Mirage Island

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Where am I? I walked toward the center of the island, through the swirling fog. You would have never known it looking from the outside, but there was a thick forest within the walls of white scattered throughout the center of the island. I hoped with every bit of fervency that there was some kind of food here. My stomach growled again, making me stop for a moment before proceeding.

As I was walking, I got that same prickly sensation as I had twice before now. The one that left me toiling in the shadows that lurked just out of view. Weird. I don't really sense any presence here... so then why?

"Misaki?" A familiar voice rang out behind me, making me spin around.

"Nami!" I smiled, throwing my arms out as I ran toward her. She grinned.

"Maybe you were right!" She said, smiling sweetly at me before her face contorted into a sneer. "Maybe you really are too weak for our crew."

"Nami..." I said, now hesitant. My arms fell loosely to my sides as she chuckled menacingly at me.

"Aweee" I spun around to see Robin, her hand over her mouth. "Poor dear. Even her feelings are so easily hurt."

"Hey..." I said, my voice wavering. "Robin!"

Just then, a soft and sweet voice rang out, making me look down at our sweet little doctor. "You just don't get it, Misaki." He said, shaking his head. "You really gotta stay out of things."

"Chopper, I —"

"Or else you might end up DEAD!"

"Chopper!" I pleaded. What the Hell is happening? They all walked closer to me, making me back away as they chanted the same thing, each time sounding more menacing and distorted.

"Dead. Dead! DEAD!!! You'll end up DEAD!!!"

I kept backing away until I felt myself back into someone. Their hands rested on my arms as I turned around to face them.

"Sanji." I breathed.

"You may as well forget about us, Misaki. We all think you died anyways." He muttered, making my heart drop. No way. I fell backwards and scrambled back to my feet, absolutely aghast.

"Dead. DEAD! YOU'RE DEAD!!!"

"A-am I?!" I stuttered. I was starting to wonder if this was Hell itself.

"You don't know?" Brook said, his voice was haunting.

"Brook, I—"

"Poor thing. You couldn't even handle a measly little storm." Jimbei said, making Nami laugh.

"If I'm not mistaken, you were having problems in that storm, too, Nami!"

"You can't do anything right, you little imp." Zoro chuckled. "You can't even sink right."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped.

"You really thought you could make it? Didn't you?"

I looked over to see piercing green eyes. Mom.

"You thought you could live happily in the world of One Piece!" She laughed.

I stepped back, only to have something blow hot air down my neck. I turned around to see Appa. I reached out, and he backed away.

"You abandoned your family. Your friends. Your horse. Now you're just dead weight!"

"That's not true!" I said. I turned around to face my mother and she was gone. Instead, the crew was there, leaning toward me as they chanted.

"Dead weight. DEAD WEIGHT. DEAD WEIGHT!!!"

"You guys would never say that!" I yelled.

"What are you talking about? We already have!" Usopp laughed menacingly.

"In so many words." Robin snickered.

"You can't train! Just rest!" Chopper screeched.

"You shouldn't be out here! Go inside!" Nami said, stepping toward me, making me step back.

"Misaki! What are you doing outside?!" Jimbei yelled, a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"You were supposed to go back in, Misaki!" Luffy said, making me wince as I turned to face him. "I can't protect you and the Sunny!"

   "You didn't mean it like that." I whimpered.

"If only you could have protected yourself" Franky laughed. "SUPER LAME!"

"Stop it!" I said, throwing my hands over my ears. Luffy strode up to me and pulled them away effortlessly.

"You can't protect yourself. You can't float. You can't even sink. I can't protect you like this." He said looking me dead in the eyes. I could feel tears welling up, threatening to fall.

"I'm sorry." I said. What a pitiful phrase.

Luffy grinned at me menacingly, making me grimace as his grip tightened around my wrists.

"Sorry doesn't cut it anymore."

Everybody started dancing around me as Luffy held onto me, chanting the same words over and over.

"You're weak! Weak! WEAK! WEAK!!!!"

"Stop it! Stop it!" I cried squeezing my eyes shut. "I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE ANYMORE!"

And just like that, I was back on the beach. As if nothing had happened. I slumped to my knees, weeping at my sorry excuse for a back bone. How could I let that get to me? It was like my own insecurities were being reflected back at me.

   I just wanted to cry. I was so hungry and so thirsty but none of that mattered anymore. I'm weak. I'm dead weight. I grasped desperately at the sand beneath me and heaved. The crew would have been better off I had just perished out in that storm.

    Just then, something swelled at the shoreline, making me look up and freeze. What the Hell is that?! A large serpent rose from the water, the froth of the waves cascading off of it as it emerged. It's eyeballs slicked back into its skull and it opened its mouth wide, gagging heavily as it spat out a large mass onto the beach. It's eyes returned to normal and it tilted its head, peaking at its failed attempt at a meal.

   I held my breath as it stared, hoping it wouldn't decide to eat the next thing it saw. But, much to my surprise, it simply huffed at the mass before returning to the sea, splashing up literal tons of water in the process.

   I stood up and inched closer, wondering what could have possibly tasted so bad that a Sea King would have had to throw up. Part of me wondered if maybe that was how I ended up here too. As I approached, goosebumps rose on the back of my neck. What the Hell?! I ran over, recognizing the lump of flesh as none other than Jaggy, himself.

   Captain fucking Kid.

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