Embrace It

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"You kissed Misaki?!?!" Usopp said, smacking Zoro on the back of the head. "Why would you do something like that?!"

"It was a long time ago, you know!" Zoro snapped, his arms crossed and a vein bulging on his neck.

"I had the same reaction." Nami said, shrugging.

"You knew?!" Jimbei said.

"I only recently found out."

"You know what? If it weren't for me, Luffy may not have ever taken the next step with Misaki! Then she may not have decided to stay! You should be thanking me!"

"I don't know, Zoro, that seems like a stretch." Robin said, a dark aura emanating from her. It made Zoro sweat. Her annoyance was actually palpable.

   "Luffy and I worked this out ages ago." Zoro said, closing his eyes and turning away in a huff. He was tired of repeating himself. He would kill for his Captain. In fact, he killed his feelings for Misaki. For his Captain. He wasn't allowed to embrace his feelings — and he was ok with that. What he wasn't ok with was the constant badgering he was having to deal with all of a sudden. He just wanted to let it stay buried.


"Hey M'" Luffy said, sauntering in and plopping  next to me on my bed. "So this is where you were hiding."

   "What?" I said, looking up at him.

   "You know, if you're gonna hide, you should really pick a better place than your room."

   "I'm not hiding." I said, rolling my eyes before looking at my lap.

   "Sulking then."

    "I..." I puffed out my cheeks. "I'm not sulking."


   "What reason would I have to hide and sulk?" I sighed.

    "M'..." Luffy said, grabbing my face and making me look at him. "It's ok that you have a crush. You're allowed."

   "W-what?! How did you—?" My eyes widened. "Who told you?!"

   Luffy laughed, plopping a kiss on my lips as I reeled at his laid back reaction.

   "Misaki, I knew you were crushing on him the moment you pulled your scarf up over your nose!" He then poked my nose lightly with his finger and then laughed again, making me gasp in shock.

   "What do you mean?!"

   "Exactly what I said! Were you listening to me?!" He said, drawing his eyebrows together in jest.

   "You knew all along?!"

    "Yeah! I thought it was funny! Even a little cute!"

   "I thought you would be furious!"

   "Nawww! It's no big deal! It's not like you can help it!"

   "You're not jealous?!"

   "Well..." he paused, tapping his chin as he thought about what to say. "A little bit. But I can't really help it, so I just embraced it!",

   "Embraced it?!"

   "Yeah! It's something I can't control! Just like how you can't control having a crush!"

   "You're cracked!" I said, a little annoyed. I stressed out so hard just for him to be fine?!

   "Let me ask you a question." Luffy said, a little more serious. I relaxed a little, my voice dropping a little as I responded.

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