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     It had been a couple days and aside from some hand holding and receiving a wayward glance here or there from the Captain, everything was pretty much back to normal. Even Zoro and I had gone back to our typical banter, where I pestered him and he would put up with me or banter back.

    Which is exactly what brought me here, to the crow's nest.

    "Oi — get up." I said to Zoro. There he was, napping for the 20th time today alone. Or at least, he was trying to, if not for little ole me. With how rambunctious the crew was being on deck, it was hard to believe he was actually asleep. That, and I saw his eyebrow twitch.

    And yet, there he was, pretending not to hear me.


    I kicked him. Or at least tried to. His hand clasped over my foot before I made contact. "Oi!" He snapped. I flailed around for balance, a squeak sticking in my throat as I felt myself stagger backward. With a flick of the wrist, Zoro sent my foot back and I thudded to the floor.

   "Owwww" I feigned.

    "Quit your whining ya big baby." Zoro said, rolling his eye. He knew I didn't land that hard. "What were you thinking, trying to kick me anyway?"

   I rolled onto my back and looked sideways at him "Well, you were ignoring me."

  "I was trying to sleep."

   "Trying being the operative word! You weren't asleep yet!"

   "Yet — I was getting there." He grumbled.

    "So what! What if it's an emergency?"

    "'S not."

     "You just don't care about me." I said, pouting.

    "The Hell?"

     You giggle before letting out a dramatic sigh, dredging your words in misery. "You don't"

   "Have you been diagnosed?"

    "I could be in the middle of dying and you wouldn't even wake—"

    "— Shut up" Zoro cut me off, poking me with the hilt of his sword.

   "Hey! I was in the middle of my woe!" I agonized.

    "You're cracked!"

    "Now where was I? Oh yeah. A giant anvil could be falling towards my head—"

    "Did you hit your head on your way down?" Zoro asked.

      I scoffed, venom coating my words "Are you trying to say I'm stupid?"

    "No, I'm trying to say you're crazy."

    "See? You don't care about my head! An elephant could step on me— "

   "Well I stopped you from landing on your head, so why are you still being so annoying?"

   "Oh." I turned my head to look at him, my cheek pressing into the hardwood floor. "So you do care. About my head at least. Can't ya just say that?"

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now