Designated Driver

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     "And why are you all wet?" My mom asked sternly. Luffy hung his head.

    "A guy who was flirting with M' was trying to pick a fight and threw a glass at me.." Luffy lamented.

   "And you let him?!"

   "He just spilled a drink on me. No reason to cause a scene."

     "And you!" Mom said, abandoning her chiding at Luffy and pointing at me.

    "I know." I flinched.

"I can't believe you! Going and getting drunk when Luffy doesn't know how to drive!" Mom chided as I hung my head low. Mom and I sat in the front seat while Luffy sat behind us.

    "I'm sorry Mo—"

    "And you did it without meeeee!" She whined, making both of us go "huh?"

    "Tomorrow, we get a designated driver for all of us!" She laughed.

    "Oh my God, mom!"

     "Then the night won't be cut short by people flirting with you!" She said.

     "Because they will be flirting with you!" I yelled. She laughed.

    "It's not like they'd get anywhere with me either! I'm taken!"

    "Doesn't stop them! Ever!"

   "Go Momma J!" Luffy said, clearly impressed.

  "Ohhhh, we could go out to karaoke!"

  "You gotta pick a song I know!" Luffy chimed in. "I learned a couple that kept playing on the drive back!"

   "Oh God." The image of my mom and Luffy singing some crazy song half cocked entered my head. Dear Lord.

    "You just don't like having fun, M'!" Mom teased.

    "Yes I do!" I snapped.

    "No, she does." Luffy lamented.


    "Just not when anybody is looking." Luffy teased.


   "And she has to be a little more drunk."

   "I have had plenty of non drunk fun, thank you!" I whined.

   "True, true. But only around people you like!" Luffy said, making my mom laugh.

   "Oh my God, he totally has you pegged!" She snorted.

   "Alright, well at least..." shoot, I'm too tipsy to have a good comeback.

   "At least? You can't even think of anything." Luffy laughed.

   "At least I can take risks!" I said, realizing I had an angle that might just embarrass Luffy.

   "Oh?" Mom questioned. Oh, I'm going for blood. That's what you get, Luffy.

   "Oh yeah. You know what Luffy and I did today at the park?" Little did Luffy know, but my mom totally would high five me for this.

   "WOAH Misaki! We don't have to talk about that!" Luffy said, jumping up so high his head hit the ceiling of the truck.
   "Ohhhhh, do tell!" My mom sang.

   "Well, you see, Luffy and I —" I started, but Luffy had put his hand over my mouth from behind the seat.

   "We really don't have to talk about that." He said, almost vibrating out of his skin.

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