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"Luffy what are you doing?!" I laughed.

Luffy had pulled the patented chopstick in the nose and mouth trick, his cheeks fat with food and with the most ridiculous grin on his face that I had ever seen. And having traveled with straw hats for as long as I had, that was saying something. Law looked disgusted, which only made me laugh more, but Bepo and Chopper gladly joined in as the group put on a silly act in the middle of the dining room. Franky, Brook, Usopp and I were laughing our asses off, while the other girls just shook their heads at everybody.

The night's dinner was turning into a much more rowdy event. Zoro and I downed some Sake and started drunkenly singing with Brook, all while Luffy, Bepo, and Chopper danced around like absolute fools. I laughed and leaned toward Law, blushing a little — it was totally just from the booze though.

"What's wrong, Traffy? Can't ya enjoy a good banquet with the Strawhats?"

   "You can't be serious!" Law said, his eyebrow twitching. I handed him a mug of booze and chuckled.

   "To think — despite all the time you've spent with them, you've never even come close to letting loose!"

   "Hey!" Law said, frowning harder in my direction.

    I snickered and downed some more sake before gesturing to the mug I just handed him. I raised my eyebrows, my cheeks tinged with a light shade of pink, as he sighed and took a swig. It was a lot more bearable to be around him, knowing Luffy wasn't going to lose his shit if I blushed at him. I glanced back at Luffy, who was still dancing around with chopper and laughed.

   "You know, I wonder if you don't involve yourself because you're too cool for school, or if it's because you aren't confident enough."

   Law's eyes widened, his mouth parting a little as his ears singed red. I narrowed my eyes and grinned. Looks like I hit the nail on the head. He quickly downed the rest of his mug and slammed it on the table. I chuckled as he snatched another mug.

  "Hey, butthead!" Zoro said, throwing his arm over my shoulders. "Check it out." He said, pointing a thumb toward Luffy, who was now on Bepo's shoulders, roaring like a bear.

    Oh dear, he had too much to drink. Luffy wasn't always a big drinker, but when he did drink, he took it to a whole new level. He spotted us all and grinned before continuing his drunken game — whatever it was. I tore my eyes away from him just long enough to see Law down yet another mug. Brook started playing another song as we all piled outside to continue our escapades.

   I threw my arms around Nami and Robin and rocked with the music, humming along to the song. Soon, Zoro and Luffy joined us. Then Usopp threw his arm around Law and dragged him over to do the same. By the end of the song, we were all bunched up, rocking to the song like a bunch of drunken idiots.

Then, just as if it were planned all along, we all began singing a familiar sea shanty. Our voices jumped and skittered and trailed along the lyrics in tandem, almost as if we had rehearsed it. Our drunken singing was a masterpiece. Usopp shook Law and he even joined in, though it was quiet. I knew he secretly enjoyed it. When we finished the song, we all laughed and wound ourselves in a giant group hug.

    Law protested loudly and actually used his room ability to squeeze out of the crowd of overly friendly strawhats, making us all laugh and mock him.

    "Booooooooo! You're no fuuuuuuun!" We all chanted, giving him a thumbs down.

   "Bepo!" Law yelled in shock. "Not you too!"

   "Oh nooooo!" Bepo said, squishing his hands against his face in shock and despair. "I'm sorry, Captain!!!!"

   As Bepo and Law went back and forth, I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, pulling me close against Luffy as he rubbed his cheek against me and Zoro — who was pressed against Luffy on his other side.

   "I love you guys!" Luffy said, his cheeks tinged red from the booze.

   "We love you too, Lu!" I said, happily rubbing my cheek back against his. Zoro let out a big bellied laugh — bigger than I had ever heard from him.

   "You're way too drunk, Captain!"

    "It's fiiiiine!" Luffy said, grinning at the both of us. Suddenly, I felt another set of arms wrap around me. I looked up to see Nami, who was grinning at the lot of us happily. Robin wrapped her arms around Zoro as well, then Usopp hugged Luffy. Oh boy, we are about to hit another group hug. Sanji attempted to hug Nami, but got smacked, so he moved on to Luffy and Usopp sadly. Then chopper jumped into my arms, making me hug him tightly. Then our lovely skeleton tried to sneak a peak under my dress, eliciting a kick from me and the Captain before he settled on the ground in front of Zoro, making us laugh. Finally, our resident cyborg and fishman finished off the hug by enveloping us all in a big group hug, both of them letting out bellowing laughs.

     In our drunken state, we kept knocking each other off balance until we all finally dogpiled to the ground, laughing our asses off at our stupidness. Law and Bepo laughed at us, finally relaxing and plopping down on the ground with us, too drunk to fight it any longer. And there, we stayed. The entirety of the strawhat pirates — and a couple friends — passing out on the deck, piled together like the big happy family that we were.

   I felt so warm and happy. The comfort that each of the strawhats gave me was something I couldn't even fathom. With Chopper in my arms and me laced together with Nami, Luffy, Zoro and everybody else.... It finally really hit me. Happy tears spilled out as I snuggled into the sea of crew mates, nuzzling into the crook of Luffy's neck. I'm so happy I'm home.

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