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     Luffy kissed me down my chest again then back up to my face, attacking it with a flurry of kisses. I giggled and basked in the attention. His stomach then growled, and he collapsed on top of me, making me laugh.

    "Ugh, I'm so hungryyyy but I don't wanna go back out yet!" Luffy groaned, kissing me on the cheek as I gasped for breath.

   "Luffy.... You're... crushing..... me" I forced out, struggling to roll him off of me.

   "Hmmmm." Luffy hummed as he rolled more onto me, making me squeal. "Food, or cuddles?"

   "Or CRUSHING ME!" I blurted, tapping him hard on the arm to get his attention. Luffy pretended not to hear me and scratched his chin as I struggled underneath him.

   "Food.... Or..."

   "FOOD! Let's get food!" I laughed. Luffy whipped around, straddling me as his nose touched mine.

   "Yeah? You hungry too, M'?"

    I gasped for air for a moment before laughing at him. "Food is definitely better than suffocating!"

   "Awe, come on, you weren't gonna suffocate." He rolled his eyes, making me push him gently off of me. He laughed and kissed me on the nose, making me blush.

   "Let's get moving, dummy." I said as he pulled me to sit up. He bounced hard out of bed, letting out a YAHOOO!

"Foooooood!" He said, putting his hand on the door.



"Aren't you forgetting something?!" I said, jumping out of bed and gesturing to myself. Luffy looked back at me with a confused look on his face. I sighed and picked up his pants, gesturing at them.

"Clothes! Right!" He said, stretching his hand out to grab his shorts and throw them on.

"I can't believe you almost walked out butt naked!" I laughed.

"Hehehaha! Yeah! That would have been funny!" He said, scratching the back of his head.

"Funny? I think we have traumatized your crew enough for a century." I laughed, throwing on a dress.

"What? It wouldn't have been on purpose. I'm just taken by the thought of meat." He said with stars in his eyes.

"What a shame. And here I thought you would be taken by the thought of me for a little longer." I sighed, tightening the strings on my sundress.

"Is that what you want? Cause I could definitely give you more attention first." Luffy said, striding up to me and playfully tugging at the draw strings of my dress. His stomach growled again, making him blush. "Shut up, stomach! I'm trying to flirt!"

I couldn't help but giggle and walked towards the door, slyly looking back at him. "Oh it's fine! I get it. Mistress meat calls." I teased.

"Don't be like that, Misaki! You really made me work up an appetite!" He said, following me and leaning toward my ear. "If anything, this is your fault for being so beautiful and irresistible."

"Not as irresistible as lunch." I joked, despite feeling goosebumps rise where his breath brushed against me.

Luffy grabbed me and pinned me to the door, grazing his teeth across my neck. "If you want me to give you more attention, just say so." He said, his hands running up and down my torso before giving my hips a squeeze. I peered at him as he nuzzled my ear, making me gasp. Suddenly, a loud rumble rang out from his stomach and he froze. I spun around in his arms and laughed.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now