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   That night was quite the night. After my head hit the pillow, Zoro had a change of heart.

   He woke me back up, pulling me into his lap. I obliged, wrapping my legs around his waist. I grabbed him with both of my hands like he did me and kissed him like he should have kissed me in the first place. He grasped my hips, making me moan as he pulled my hips up against his dick. He forced my mouth open and shoved his tongue in, making me gasp. I pulled my shirt off.

    He grasped my hair and pulled my head back so he could nibble at my neck again. His hot breath turning me on even more. I grabbed him behind his neck and pulled him down on top of me. I kissed him as he worked to pull off my pants. Then his. I moaned his name as he entered me, making me feel so incredible.

   I sat up, groggy with a splitting headache. I tried to remember what when on last night when a shiver went up my spine.

    "Look who's finally awake. Rise n' shine, Misaki!" Zoro said cheerfully.

Fuck. A series of events flooded through my head from the night before. Was it a dream? Fuck, girl you better not have.

        As if to answer my question, Zoro grinned wide at me while laying back on the hammock.

      "Man, I must'a sparked something in ya last night

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      "Man, I must'a sparked something in ya last night. You kept saying my name in your sleep." That's fucking embarrassing.

    "What um... what happened last night?"

    "What? You don't remember? Well that hurts a little to be honest" Zoro mumbled, still grinning. "Guess that means I'm not memorable."

     I felt heat prick at my cheeks.

     "Either that or you had a naughty dream about me and you don't know what was real and what wasn't" he said. I felt my face light up and he grinned more, knowing he hit the nail on the head. You noticed how wet you were between your legs. "Why don't you tell me what you remember and then I'll tell you if it happened?" He teased. I threw my pillow at him and he caught it.

      "Don't be a creep, shithead, just tell me what happened already!" I snapped.

      "Ok ok, relax. We fooled around for maybe a minute and then i told you we were drunk and we went to bed. We never even really kissed"

      "So you didn't wake me back up." I stated, breathing a sigh of relief. Zoro raised an eyebrow.

     "Oh shit, so you did have a naughty dream about me." He sat up resting his head on his hand. "I'm interested." He teased.

     "We do NOT need to talk about this" I said, flushed redder than red.

      "Maybe not" he chuckled. "Just nice to know you can think about me that way, even if it was just drunk thoughts."

      "What the Hell is that supposed to mean? Are you looking for me to think about you like that?" I jumped up. Silence grew between us and I realized that was too serious a question. Zoro's smile turned to a frown. And he closed his good eye. This just got super awkward. "L-look, let's just chalk it up to us both being really drunk and move on. K?"

       "Yeah." He said shortly. I couldn't let this conversation end like this.

       "Hey, look at me" I said, striding over to him and cupping his face in my hands. He opened his eye and looked right at me. My resolve faltered a bit. "This isn't going to mess with anything, right??" I said, urgency laced in my voice.

      Zoro grinned, "we are still each other's number 2" he joked. Ouch. "We all know who number one is."

       "Food for me, booze for you." I said shortly. And with that, Zoro bellowed out a laugh.

      "Shit, you got me there."

I laughed too, dropping his face. He then grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me down into a hug. "I'm just glad you're alive, Misaki." I hugged him back.

     "I'm just glad I still have you."

      "You do." He said

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