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"You guys did presents?!" I asked. Everybody grinned in response. "That's not fair! I don't have anything for you guys!"

"It's ok, Misaki! We did this for you!" Chopper said, bringing me over to sit on one of the many cushions that Jimbei was setting out.

In the middle of the circle of cushions was a whole mess of wrapped gifts. I couldn't believe my eyes. When did these sneaky little bastards do all of this? Sabo joined too and winked at me. I also couldn't believe him. To think they dragged Luffy's brother into this and he just went right along with it. I guess it was true that he would do anything for his brother.

Luffy sat crisscrossed next to me, nearly bouncing with excitement. "Go ahead and pick one!" He said smiling his brilliant smile. I scanned the pile of gifts before grabbing one.

    It was from Robin. "I have a feeling I know what this is..." I said, opening it to find the book that was missing in the series I was reading. "I have been looking for this book everywhere! Where did you find it?!"

    "I snatched it right from under your nose at the last book store we visited." Robin said with a giggle.

    "No way! How sneaky." I said snickering. "Thank you, Robin!" I got up and gave her a hug before sitting back down.

   "M'! You should open this one next!" Luffy said, grabbing the gift that was obviously from him and gesturing to it.

    "Mmmm, I think I wanna open that one last!" I teased, grabbing another small box.

    "Misakiiii, that's not very nice!" Luffy whined.

    "I thought it would be nice to save the best for last! But if you insist..." I exclaimed. I put out my hand for Luffy's present and he held it away from me.

    "On second thought, you are right! It is the best one after all! It can wait!"

   I giggled and opened the little gold box in my hand.

   "That one is from me!" Usopp said excitedly. Inside was a little felt patch, gold in color, and in the shape of Luffy's Jolly Roger.

   "Oh wow! Now that's cool!"

    "I told him I would sow it on your scarf for you later!" Nami said.

    "Oh that's awesome you guys!" I said hugging both of them.

    "And a little extra thing from me." Nami said, winking as she handed me a little envelope. In it was a hand written note, saying that all my debt with Nami was resolved. A little doodle of Nami and me was on it as well, along with a heartfelt note about our friendship.

   "Thanks, Nami!" That was honestly such a load off. I had borrowed way too much money lately.

    "Oh yeah, and I got you that cute jacket you are wearing! I figured you would just want to wear it since it's cold tonight."

   "Oh I was wondering if I was gonna have to steal this! It's so cozy!" I joked, making everybody chatter with laughter.

   "You gotta open mine next!" Chopper said.

    I took the present from him and opened it up. Inside was a pair of red gloves, each with little pink pedals sewn into the wrist.

   "Awe Chopper! These are so adorable!" I said. He came over and hugged me so I didn't have to get up again. "Thank you!"

   Brook got me a little music box that played bink's sake, and Franky made this awesome little mini Franky that said SUPER which was just hilarious to me and made me laugh. Jimbei got me another book, sheepishly telling me he wasn't sure what to get me. I loved it anyways. It really was the thought that counted.

    Then it was time for Sanji's gift. I picked it up and shook it lightly. It rattled a little, and I opened it up to find a little gold chain with a small clear pendant on it. The pendant was pretty, with a little gold lacing around it.

    "Thank you so much Sanji. This is beautiful!"

    "You can put something in it too!" Sanji said, smiling.

     "Oh cool!"

      "Alright, my turn, runt." Zoro interjected, making me stick my tongue out at him. "Brat."

    He tossed me a bottle shaped gift. "Gee, I wonder what this is?" I mocked. I ripped it open to find a very nice bottle of sake. One of the sweet ones that he knew I really liked. "Oh shit, good stuff!"

   "There's more." he said, handing me a small red box. It was tinier than any other of the boxes I had already opened. Inside was a little satin, and two halves of a bullet that had been cut clean down the middle. "It's the very first bullet you ever cut in half. I saved it."

   "That is actually so freaking cool!" I said, with a twinkle in my eye. "I hate to do this to you, Sanji, but I think I know what I'm putting in that pendant!"

   "To be fair, I had a feeling you would choose to do that. So I guess I'll let the shitty mosshead have this one for once." Sanji said, making Zoro grumble in annoyance.

    I laughed at their stupid rivalry that they had. Ironically, they both got the exact gifts that I needed to put together into one really awesome gift. It only furthered my suspicion that they actually gave a shit about each other.

    "Oh my GOD! Misaki! It's time for mine! I have a confession though. Everybody put something into this one. It really is the best present of all." Luffy said with a grin, handing me the last gift.

    In this little box was the most beautiful gift I think I have ever received in my life. I sat there in awe, looking at the little trinkets in front of me.

   "They're pendants for your charm bracelet! Each one represents one of us! That way, even if we aren't close by, you will still have a piece of us." Luffy said.

    Every pendant was absolutely unique. From a little straw hat, to a little robot head, to a cherry blossom pedal, a berry sign, a bottle of sake, an open book, a musical note, a Fishman symbol, a chef's hat, and a target sign. Each one had their own unique Jolly Roger etched into them, representing one of the crew mates. I wondered who they got to do the etch marks. Whoever did it was a professional. Every detail was perfect despite the charms being so small. Robin came over, offering to help put the charms on the bracelet. I held my wrist out for her.

     "You guys are the best! Thank you so much! I love this! I will always cherish these things!" I said, with tears in my eyes.

    "It's not over yet, Misaki! I have one more surprise for you!" Luffy said softly.

    "I don't know if I can take anymore!" I said, making everybody giggle.

   "Trust me, you want to see this!" Luffy said, gesturing to the crow's nest.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now