The Crew

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      After breakfast, Misaki gathered into the girl's room with Nami and Robin, looking to discuss the night's previous events. Luffy meandered out onto the deck, only to get smacked on the back by Zoro.

   "I can't believe you finally did it, man!"

   "Yeah! It felt good, getting it off my chest." Luffy grinned back at him.

   "So... did she say it back?" Chopper asked.


   "Knew she would." Zoro stated.

   "Did she say if she was going to stay now?" Chopper asked innocently. Sanji and Zoro looked at him disapprovingly. "What?"

   "You know, that wasn't really a part of the conversation." Luffy said, his hat casting a shadow over his eyes.

   "But why not?" Chopper asked.

    "Chopper!" Sanji hissed.

    "Nah, it's ok." Luffy said, turning to the crew. "It's just not the same thing. Just cause we love each other doesn't mean she is staying." Luffy said, attempting to smile. The corners of his mouth turned down before he could stop it, and he sat on the floor. "Damn. Why you gotta make me sad?"

    "I'm sorry Luffy!" Chopper said, throwing his hands in the air.

    "'S ok." Luffy said sadly. Sanji and Zoro looked at each other.

    "Hey man, it's not like she chose to leave either." Sanji said.

    "Yeah, I know." Luffy said sullenly.

    "And you made her really happy, right?!" Zoro said. "She couldn't stop smiling last night!"

    "Yeah, that's true." Luffy said, a grin poking at just one corner of his mouth.

   "And what about when you got up there? Did she like the crow's nest?" Jimbei asked.

   Luffy lifted his head and smiled big. "She loved it!"

   "How'd you do with telling her you loved her?"

   "I was really nervous, but I think it went really well! Once she said it back, I was so happy!" He said, snickering. "I felt like I was going to fall over though!"

    "I'm proud of you, man!" Zoro said, patting him on the shoulder.


   "And what did he do next?!" Nami said with stars in her eyes.

   "He leaned down, kissed me, and then he said he loved me." I said, my heart racing.

    "I bet you were shellshocked!" Nami said, giggling.

    "I was! It took a minute for me to respond! I though he was going to faint!" I said, putting my hands over my face.

   "Well obviously you said it back, right?!" Nami said. "Or else this morning would have gone way different!"

   "Of course I said it back! Why wouldn't I?"

   "And then what happened?" Robin leaned in.

"Well, he hugged me..."

    "Yeah?" Nami leaned forward.

    "We talked a little."


    "Well... and then we..." Nami smacked me on the thigh, making me jump up from my sitting position.

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