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"Well that was beyond quick." Franky muttered as Luffy and Misaki made their way back down the ladder. "I for sure thought they would be up there for at least an hour."

When they got down, everybody just kind of stared at them.

"Oi. Chopper." Luffy said, making chopper stand up. "You have to check out Misaki's stomach."

"What's wrong with her stomach?" Chopper asked, making Luffy glare at Misaki. She looked away, a bead of sweat forming on her cheek.

"I can't believe you lied to me." Luffy sniped, making Misaki wince.

"Technically I never answered you, I just said it was ok."

"It is NOT ok!" He snapped, crossing his arms. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. His voice softened as he pulled away. "Go ahead, I'll catch up."

   Misaki sighed and walked with Chopper to the infirmary, leaving a stale feeling in the air.

   "So... what the Hell was that?!" Zoro said.

   Luffy put up his hand and everybody waited with bated breath.


   Luffy sighed and looked at his crew. "Jimbei, it really wasn't your fault that you couldn't find her."

   "But Captain—"

   "Misaki got swept away by a Sea King. She didn't tell Chopper, but her entire torso is covered in black and purple bruises."

   "Whaaaaaat?!" The entire crew sprang up.

   "What an idiot!" Zoro snapped

    "We oughta give her a piece of our minds." Jimbei growled.

   "Nobody give her Hell. That's my job and Chopper's job. Captain's orders."


   "Captain, this is serious! What if she was bleeding internally and kept it secret?!" Robin said, looking as concerned as the rest of the crew.

   "She could have just dropped dead and we wouldn't even know why!" Sanji added, clenching his fists.

    "That is exactly why you all need to stay out of it." Luffy said, crossing his arms. "She already knows she shouldn't have done it. Let it be."

    "Whatever you say, Captain." Zoro said. He looked a little put out that he couldn't say anything, but Luffy knew that once he got an order, Zoro would stick to his guns no matter what.
     Right then, the door to the infirmary opened up, making everybody stop and stare as the two emerged. Misaki had her cheeks puffed out and her arms crossed. Chopper was shaking his head. Everybody waited with baited breath as Misaki turned on her heel and walked up the stairs towards the helm. Chopper looked at everybody and took a deep breath.

   "She's fine. It's just really bad bruising. A couple broken ribs but they will heal on their own." Chopper said, glancing back at Misaki.

   "Wha — really?" Luffy said. "But it looked so bad!"

   "Well, it might have been something worse and it just rectified itself somehow. Kid did say that he gave her some weird medicine."

   "Maybe we should have stuck around that island longer. It sounds like it was worth exploring." Nami said, tapping her chin with her finger.

   "Yeah but Misaki was ready to leave." Usopp said, shaking his head. "I can understand why she would want to get out."

    "Speaking of Misaki, why does she seem like she's got her panties in a twist?" Zoro said, leaning back to glance at her.

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