Trial Jitters

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     Writer's note: Happy Birthday, Luffy! I totally was working on a special chapter for Luffy's birthday in the another universe series but 100% got writers block, so I figured I would write an extra chapter here instead. Enjoy!

    "You sure you don't want me to stay in here for tonight?" I said, folding up some clothes to keep in my backpack for my little stay in the crow's nest. I yanked the towel off of my head and let my wet hair fall around my face as I looked at her.

    My mom sat down on my bed, her eyes widening as she collapsed into the softness of it and sighed happily. "Nah, I'm all good. I'm pretty well acquainted with the girls by now, and there is no way in Hell you are gonna muscle in on this bed now."

    "That's fair." I laughed. "It really is soft, right?"

   "I can't even believe something like this is real!" She exclaimed, trying to sit back up before relaxing further into the bed. "Like don't you dare get comfortable in this thing while I'm here— I will sleep right on top of you until you move!"

  "Don't worry, Momma! You've got total dibs!" I laughed.

   "Well, yeah. That's because you're gonna be shacking up with your man!" Nami teased as she and Robin entered the room.

   "I'm actually surprised. With the way you guys were at home, I just figured you had your own room here." Mom said, rolling onto her stomach and sitting up on her elbows to look at me.

    "With how you were at home?" Robin questioned, raising her eyebrows.

   "Luffy was basically lost without her. And they both slept together in her old room." Mom said, making me blush. "I just assumed it was of the norm here too, you know?"

   "Luffy definitely can be clingy, but he is with everybody, not just Misaki!" Nami laughed. "But I didn't know you guys shared a room that whole time." She said, raising her eyebrows at me.

   "Yeah, well... we may not share a room here but we do spend time together at night."

   "Where?" My mom trilled curiously.

   "Oh wherever they can get away with." Robin said softly.

    "The Captain's seat, the crows nest, the deck.." Nami said.

    "The study." Robin added before chuckling.

    "We don't need to talk about this." I said, feeling my cheeks get red. Please just let it go already.

    "Sometimes they shack up in here if they get the chance to." Nami said, sticking her tongue out at me. "Much to my dismay."

   "Well, we stay in my bed at least." I laughed.

   "True." Nami hummed.

   "Wait, so what's the Captain's Seat?" Mom asked, furrowing her brow.

   "It's the Sunny's figurehead. The lion head." I chimed.

   "Oh wow. You sleep up there?"

   "Among other things." Robin added.

   "Oi!" I sniped.

   "Well that's a given, knowing those two." My mom said, rolling her eyes. "They got naughty in a public park in my world."

   "H-heyyyy!" I whined. "The Hell, mommaaa?!"

   "What? You didn't tell them."

    Both Nami and Robin were looking at me wildly, unsure if they should laugh or freak out.

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