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    "SOOOOOO COOOOLLLLL!!!" Luffy exclaimed. We had only just walked into the arcade, but he was already impressed. I giggled at him and his childish enthusiasm.

    "Games — as far as the eye can see!" I stated. I swear, I could see the stars in his eyes as he took in the glory of the arcade. The neon lights blinked all over, making Luffy jump and point. There was also mini golf, but we were going to ignore that. The games is what I brought him there for.

Luffy and I flitted from game to game. We started with some shooting games, which he got a little too enthusiastic about, so we moved on to a driving simulator.

He was all over the place, smashing into walls and running over civilians. He slammed on the gas and brakes too hard, as well as turned way too sharp. It certainly solidified my hard maybe into a hard no for teaching him how to drive my truck.

When it came to the games that required balls to be thrown in holes or hoops of some kind, he was a natural. He didn't miss a single one, and won tons of tickets in the process.

Then we got to a game I was exceptionally good at. Air hockey. I never thought I would beat Luffy in a game that came down to hand-eye-coordination, especially since he had amazing observation haki. But, there I was, beating him like it was nothing. It was the precision that got to him. A fraction of a centimeter was all it took to send a puck too far in the wrong direction, and I was a master at predicting where it was going to go. Not only that, but he would hit the puck a little too hard at times and end up scoring against himself. I laughed as I won for a third time in a row, and Luffy gave me the most unamused look I had ever seen.

Then we came across the game that measured punch strength. I looked at him, concern lacing my voice as I spoke.

"Maybe we should skip this one." I said. He crinkled his nose.


"Because you'll break it!" I said with a laugh.

   "Ohhhh, come on, Misaki! Pleaaaaaseee! I promise I won't break it!!!"

   "I'm sorry b—" I started, but when I turned to face him, I stopped short. He had clasped his hands together and brought his hands up to his chin. He was giving me the biggest puppy dog eyes in the world. Even his bottom lip pooched out just enough to make me waver. "Lu... I don't think it's a good idea."

   "Pleeeeeeaaaaaase!" He begged. I sighed. How could I say no to that face? Nami did always say I was too quick to do what Luffy wanted.

   "Ok, but you have to hit it gently. Like knocking on a door." I sighed. This was probably the worst thing to do here with a man with monster strength.

   "Gum gummmm"


   "Just kidding!" He laughed, gently reaching over and knocking on the punching bag, making it slam backwards. Tickets came flooding out as the maximum score got reached. My heart was in my throat from that little joke of his.

   "Woaahhh, look at all these tickets!" Luffy exclaimed, ignoring the smack on the back of his head I gave him. "Misaki, you're looking a little pale. Sorry." He said with a grin. That little snicker of his was so contagious, I couldn't help but laugh back.

   "You got me for sure, there!" I giggled.

   "What's this game?!" He said, bouncing over to a Pac-Man machine. That man had the attention span of a flea.

    "That's Pac-Man. Wanna give it a try?" He nodded eagerly. I dropped the coins in and the little jingle started. I went to explain to him what to do and he put his hand up.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now