Day 6: Escapades

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"I can't believe you got us kicked out of the buffet!" I said, laughing, tears pricking in my eyes.

"They were so mad! But the food was so yummy, I just couldn't stop!" Luffy laughed, patting his stomach, which was a little too distended to be natural. Luckily, nobody questioned it at the restaurant.

"You certainly have no shame!" My mom laughed.

"Nope!" He laughed proudly.

"That's not something to be proud of here!" I sniped, smacking him on the back of the head. Luffy just laughed.

"That's the great thing about having no shame! I don't care!" He laughed.

That damn near knocked my mom over. She roared out in laughter.

"You two kill me!" She said, wiping a tear from her eye. "Why don't we go for a drink while we're at it?" She said, making a gesture with her hand. "I still haven't seen Lu let loose!"

"I've been too busy taking care of your daughter." He said, throwing his arms around the both of us and laughing.

"She certainly can be a handful." Mom said.

"Hey! Lu is a HUGE handful! He's just been on his best behavior here!" I whined.

"That's cause I have to handle you too. Especially when you drink!" Luffy chuckled.

"I hate you." I said, shaking my head.

"Liaaaar! You loooove meeee." He said, shaking me a little. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're a goof!" I said, giggling.

    We all meandered into the karaoke bar. It was a good thing it took Luffy two hours before getting kicked out. Karaoke would be starting in about a half hour. And, of course, we got free tortilla chips and salsa with our drinks.

   "Woohooo! Partyyy!" Luffy said as he stuffed a handful of chips in his mouth. I snatched his ear and tugged a little.

    "I think you've had enough food, sir." I snickered.

    "Nuh—uhhh. I'm so hungry, I could eat a whole sea b—"

    "Shhhh! Just, here!" I said, stuffing another chip in his mouth. Luffy chewed happily, not worried about finishing his statement. I sighed as my mom laughed at us both. That shadow that was lurking was still in the back of my mind. It could be anybody — including anybody in the bar. It would be smart to at least catch Luffy before he said anything too sketchy.

   "Why don't you have a drink, Lu?" My mother slid a drink Luffy's way that she had ordered.

"I don't really like the taste of alcohol to be honest. Like I'll drink some beer with my friends sometimes."

"Trust me, you can't even tell this is alcohol."

  "What is it?" Luffy asked.

   "It's a milk-based liquor with chocolate and a few other things. It's called a mudslide." She answered, smiling. Luffy took a sip and grinned.

   "It takes like a milkshake! So good!" He said as he started slurping it down. Uh oh.

  "Whoa now, Lu! I would pace yours—"

   "Hey waiter! Can I get another one of these mud things?" Luffy said, raising his empty glass.

   "This is gonna be interesting." I said, shaking my head. "Think I might stick to soda tonight."

  "Party pooper!"


  "Yeah! Party pooper!" Luffy said, clinking his new mudslide glass with Mom. "Guess me and Momma J will have to party without ya!"

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now