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    "Oh HELL YEAH!" Luffy said, leaping onto a giant piece of meat.

   "Hold on, Luffy! I'm not done cooking it yet!"

   "What are you talking about?!" Luffy whined, his mouth full. "It's PERFECT!"

   "Just let him have it, Sanji!" I laughed.

   "Yeah, then I could enjoy the other delectable things here." Kidd teased, bumping my arm and grinning at me.

    Luffy grunted as he continued to chew his food, picking up his head to look at me and Kidd. I raised my eyebrows at Kidd and crossed my arms, making him laugh. I could hear Killer laugh quietly behind me.

   "Relax, Saki! I'm just kidding!" Kidd said, raising his eyebrows.

   "I'm sure you are!" Luffy mocked. "You have to be, or else you'll get rejected!"

   "What was that, Strawhat?!" Kidd growled.

    "Luffy, be nice!" I said, wagging a finger at him.

    "I'm just being honest!" Luffy whined, sticking another mouthful of food in his mouth. "She loves me, Jaggy. Not you."

    "That's because she's never been with a guy like me." Jaggy smirked, making Luffy choke on his food. "After all, if it were me, I wouldn't be stuffing my face right now." Jaggy leaned over and threw his arm over my shoulders. My whole body went rigid in discomfort knowing how bad this was going to be. "I would be down here, holding my woman so that nobody else would."

    "Can you NOT?!" Luffy snapped, jumping off of the giant slab of meat and stomping over to Kidd. "First off, Misaki isn't anybody's! She's not even mine!" He snapped, poking Jaggy in the chest. "I don't own her. We are partners. She is her own person!"

   "Wow, Luffy! That was so deep and sweet!" Carrot sang, clasping her hands together and humming happily.

   "Seriously, Lu. You never cease to surprise me." My mom said. In all actuality, he was just parroting something I said to him before, but it was still impressive that he remembered and applied it properly.

"Are you trying to insinuate that I think Misaki is something to be owned?! I'm a pirate, not a chauvinist pig!" Kidd growled.

Luffy and Kidd glared at each other for a moment, both growling at each other like two rabid hyenas. Then, Luffy's eyes slid to me. He gave me this look of expectancy, like he wanted me to do something that I obviously should have done already. I tilted my head at him questioningly and his eyes got wider. His eyebrows hiked up so high, they almost disappeared into his hair line, and his jaw clenched, making me feel very wary. It was in that moment that Kidd's grip around my shoulders tightened as he pulled me into his body.


Misaki's eyes widened and a soft shade of pink appeared on her cheeks as the realization hit her. She was still in that bastards embrace. Luffy wanted her to smack him and jump away, but instead, she froze. She froze and her eyes got wide. She froze, and blushed. She blushed. She is fucking blushing?! Luffy ground his teeth at the sight as she got pulled closer to Jaggy. Luffy glanced around, noticing Carrot and Momma J cover their mouths simultaneously. Nami and Robin looked worriedly at each other too. Even they were shocked. All this and then a single thought popped into his head. Something Misaki had said. I liked talking to him. I wanted to talk to him.

Luffy clenched his fists as Kidd knocked back his head and laughed, giving Misaki a little jostle as he did. Her eyes locked onto Luffy's and her lips parted as if she wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say or do.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now