He Likes You

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"Hey, Luffy! I was wondering if you wanted some company!" I hollered up to Luffy, who was sitting on the Captain's Seat. Luffy peaked through the lion's mane and grinned, jumping down to greet me.

"Hey M'! Sure thing!" He looked at me curiously and gestured to my scarf. "Nice scarf! Looks kind of like the one I gave you!"

My heart skipped a beat. "Luffy, this is the scarf you gave me!" I said, blushing a little.

"It is?" He said, coming closer and picking up the end of it. "It can't be. The one I got you was just red. This one has gold on it."

My heart was skipping along happily. I pointed to the Jolly Roger on it. "Usopp and Nami added this. But it's still the scarf you gave me."

Luffy smiled and his eyes met mine. "Looks nice!" He said, making me blush.

Luffy snagged some chairs without moving — his arms stretching in the direction of them so that we could sit down. I wanted to suggest the cushions we used to use, but I figured I couldn't since he was the one who came up with that. Luffy eyed me curiously as we sat down.

"You're not cold, are you?"

"I'm ok right now." I said, smiling.

"So what were you and Zoro doing earlier?" He asked. Geez, that was quick.

"We were just talking." I said, watching him. His brow furrowed and his lips tightened into a straight line.

"That so?" He said coldly. This little shit didn't believe me!

"Really, Luffy. We were just talking."

"Looked to me like you guys were being mushy." He laughed. Is that why he grabbed me like that?

"Honest, Luffy! It was not like that for me."


Luffy rolled his eyes playfully and thought back. He knew he saw Zoro brushing her hair out of her face — something Luffy wanted to do but couldn't bring himself to.

He thought back to when Misaki was crying. The way Zoro held her in his arms. It was almost like it hurt him to do so. Like her pain was his. He remembered Zoro's hands trembling a little when he handed Misaki off to him that day.

"Luffy, really!" Misaki said, grabbing the arm of the lawn chair and leaning toward him.


Luffy looked at me, his face much more relaxed. "I think Zoro likes you." He said, leaning closer to me and smiling.

"I— um..." I was not expecting those words with that expression. "Why would you say something like that?!

"Cause I think he does!" Luffy said, chuckling.

"Zoro and I are just friends!"

"Well, you sure looked close." He chuckled.

"Best friends then."

"I thought I was your best friend." He said innocently.

"You are more than my best friend, dummy!" Oops. Shit.

"Zoro wants to be more than best friends." Luffy laughed, making me explode.

"Oh my God — I don't like him like that! Even if he likes me, it doesn't matter!" I yelled.

Luffy smiled at me as I huffed angrily. "Why does this bother you so much?" He said, hiking his eyebrows up.

"I just... it just does!" I said, throwing my hands in the air. Luffy laughed at me and tapped my nose with his finger, making me blush.

"You're so funny, M'!" He snickered. His eyes drew to my wrist as I dropped my hands back down. "I like your bracelet." He said.

"Oh yeah." I said, covering it with my other hand. If he didn't remember it, I didn't want him to look too hard at it. Much to my dismay, Luffy reached over and snagged my wrist, taking a closer look at the bracelet.

"Heyyy, this is great!" His thumb ran under each charm before stopping on the little heart. I could feel my pulse get quicker as he played with the heart charm. His brow furrowed. I wished I knew what he was thinking. He looked up and smiled. "Wanna join me on the captain's seat?"

I smiled and nodded. Luffy stood up, still holding onto my wrist, and pulled me off the chair. He picked me up bridal style and leapt up to the Captain's Seat, his hat falling off of his head as he did. I wrapped my arms around his neck, making him smile. I wasn't sure if he was going to invite me up there or not, but I was glad that he did.

   "I love it up here." I breathed. Luffy plopped down onto the figurehead, keeping me in his lap.

  "Me too." He said, looking up at the sky.


   Luffy wasn't sure why he was so happy. Was it knowing that Misaki didn't like Zoro back? Was it what she said about them being more than best friends? Was it the fact that his heart couldn't stop pounding so hard? What about the fact that she refused to let go of his neck? Maybe it was just everything, culminating into one. All he knew was that he couldn't stop smiling.

   Misaki nestled her head up under his chin, making him blush. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. She sighed and smiled against him, making his heart skip a couple beats. He felt so powerful, yet weak at the same time. He knew there was a word for it, but it was a long one, and he couldn't put his finger on what it was.

   "Oxymoron." She breathed into his neck, giving him goosebumps.

   "What's that?"

   "It's when two things contradict one another."

   "How did you—?"

   "I dunno. I just knew it's the word you wanted."

    He smiled and gripped her tighter. He wasn't sure how she just read his mind like that, but something about it made him even happier. He tapped his fingers against her arm and hummed happily, unsure what to do.

   "Misaki?" He asked, his eyes soft. He was answered by a soft snore, making him chuckle. "Never mind I guess." He looked up at the sky and rocked side to side, humming out the tune for Bink's sake.


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