Jingle Bells

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Writer's note: I am not going to be putting the lyrics down, but there is a version of jingle bells sang by the straw hats that can be found on YouTube if you want to have a feel for how the song goes. They do sing it in Japanese in this story.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The entire deck was covered in Christmas lights, big and bright enough to light up an entire town. There were ones that blinked and ones that didn't. It was gorgeous. Everybody was wearing Christmas attire, red along with a Santa hat. Even Luffy was wearing one instead of his straw hat. Though it still hung around his neck as always. Nami came over to me with a Santa hat and a red jacket, plopping the hat on me as I threw on the jacket.

"What is this, you guys?! Whose idea was this?!"

"Well, Luffy and I thought it up a while back." Sanji said. "After you talked about how much you liked it."

"I wanted to make sure we had as many lights as possible!" Luffy said with a grin.

"I did not expect anything like this." I said, looking around at all the lights, a huge smile plastered on my face.

"Well we were going to do it closer to Christmas..." Jinbei began.

"But with everything going on..." Robin continued.

"We decided to move it up!" Chopper finished.

"And this isn't everything we did!" Franky added. He picked up his hand and hit a button. Brook started playing music, and a very familiar sound started chiming in the wind.

"Are those... bells?!" I said, excitement brimming in my eyes.

"You betcha!" Franky said with a thumbs up.

"And we prepared a song for you!" Nami blurted out.

"We don't live on land, so we had to tweak it a bit to fit life on the sea." Brook chimed in.

Luffy grabbed my shoulders and positioned me in front of the crew as the music swelled. "Are you ready, Misaki?"

I nodded and laughed as the jingle bells chimed a certain jingle.

Zoro leaned forward , raising an eyebrow as he sang his verse. His voice was far lovelier than I thought it would be, making me gasp.

Sanji then grasped my hand and held it up as he sang his verse, his voice much softer than Zoro's, before he flitted off back to the group.

Nami placed her hands on my shoulders behind me as she sang her verse. I smiled at her and laughed.

This led to Chopper, with the most angelic, pure voice I had ever heard, making an awe slip from my mouth as he grabbed both my hands before returning to the group.

Then Usopp gave his best, throwing his hand forward, his voice still a little rough but cute nonetheless. I clapped along to the rest of the song.

Then Robin sang her line, soft and subtle. I grinned big at her.

Then Luffy jumped from the crowd, his voice playfully bouncing as he sang his line about friends. His hands going up and down as he strode over to me to throw an arm around my shoulder.

Then they all erupted into chorus, singing Jingle bells in the most amazing way I had ever experienced. Luffy, rocked me side to side as they all sang, making me laugh out loud.

The music began to take over as the chorus ended. I looked at Luffy, my eyes glimmering.

"What possessed you guys to do this?!"

"Well, we knew you were feeling homesick, but we also wanted to be sure that you got to experience at least one Christmas with us!" Luffy said. It should have made my heart twinge. This should have felt bittersweet. But instead, I just felt an overwhelming joy and love welling up inside of me. The music began to swell as I looked around at my friends. These were my people. They were amazing. "Are you ready for the rest of the song, Misaki?"

"Absolutely!" I grinned. Luffy jumped away from me, taking the lead as he sang out a verse and his crew echoed it after him. With every verse he sang, he got more animated — more excited — throwing his hands forward, up and around as they sang out the last verse and broke into chorus yet again. Luffy grabbed me and danced me around as they sang the last bit of the chorus, making me overwhelmed with laughter. As the last line rang out, Luffy hooted out one finale WOOO throwing his hand in the air and looking at the crew.

Everybody erupted into congratulatory chatter. I jumped into the fray.

"Merry Christmas! I can't believe you guys. Luffy! I know now why you were practicing!"

"Yahooo!" Luffy threw his hands in the air.

"Zoro! I can't believe it. Your voice!"

"Agh we were just having fun!" Zoro blushed.

    "Usopp! Thank you SO much!"

"Um" Luffy tried to interject.

"Sir Sanji! Absolutely lovely!"

     "Awe, nonsense, Ms. Misaki-san." Sanji blushed.


"Robin, you were radiant!"


"Nami, thank you so much!"

"Hey guys?"

"Chopper! You were absolutely AMAZING!"

"Awe, you think you can make me happy, you big dummy!" Chopper swooned.

"Brook! You guys are gonna have to teach me this version! It's lovely!" I said.


We all laughed and squeezed together for a picture, screaming Merry Christmas as we did. Two pictures were taken. One with us all smiling at the camera, and one with me, laughing in pure bliss, as my friends hugged me tight.


Luffy couldn't help but smile. He couldn't believe they pulled it off without her catching on. Sabo showed up at just the right time to make it happen. It gave them all a chance to make everything perfect before she came back. He watched as she laughed, taking some non-spiked eggnog from Sanji. Her eyes shimmered in the flashing lights like the night of their first kiss, making his heart jump. Her hair smushed perfectly underneath her hat, going in every which direction but in the most adorable way.

They all toasted and cheered as Brook began to play another Christmas song for them. Luffy couldn't help but swoop in and dance with her again. Everything about this night was making his heart swell with excitement. Misaki laughed and laughed, unable to contain herself. It made him swoon and laugh right along with her.

"Sabo, you are a way bigger sneak than your brother! I had no idea!" Misaki hollered over her shoulder. Sabo laughed and waved her off. Luffy was so grateful that Sabo happened to show up that day. It really did make it easier to surprise her.

   Right then, Sanji came out with the food. Roasted bird, and a bunch of dishes that Misaki had mentioned to him. Her eyes lit up like a child in a candy shop.

"Sanji you didn't!" Misaki squealed.

  "Oh yes, I most certainly did miss Misaki-san!"

  They all sat down to eat. For once in his life, Luffy did his best not to overeat. For sure, he still stuffed his face like no tomorrow, but he wanted Misaki to be able to enjoy the food the way that she talked about with Sanji. That meant that Luffy needed to not be a glutton for once. Well, not too much of one at least. He didn't eat to the point of expanding like a balloon, but he did eat quite a bit. All of the food was very rich and satisfying to eat. He felt full a lot faster than he expected. A little sluggish too, but he wasn't going to let that ruin the rest of the night.

   "We aren't done yet, Misaki! PRESENT TIIIIIME!" Luffy hollered. The night had only just begun. It was supposed to be Christmas after all.

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