So much

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Luffy looked at the ceiling while he laid on his back. Misaki snored lightly as she slept half on him. Hearing that cute little snore felt like a blessing after all that she had been through. His breathing was slow as he thought about all that happened today. From the decorating, to the songs, to the food, the presents, to his major confession.

He never thought he would fall in love. His whole M.O. was about being free, and he didn't think love fit in that kind of life. He loved his friends, don't get him wrong, but he never thought he would fall in love with someone. But, with Misaki, he felt more free than ever. He enjoyed everything about her.

He smiled to himself, thinking about how hard it was to tell her, but once he did, he couldn't stop saying it. It felt so amazing to say it. It felt so good, he wanted to shout it to the sea. He wondered when he started to love her, but he really couldn't pinpoint it. There must not have been a specific moment. Instead, he just grew to love her more than he could even put into words.

So much it hurts. The words that Misaki once said to him echoed in his mind. He really resonated with those words. But now that he finally said it out loud, it didn't hurt anymore.

If he had known how amazing it felt to say it, maybe he would have done so sooner. But he was glad he didn't. He was so glad he planned it. Luffy wasn't much for plans. He tended to like flying by the seat of his pants and going with whatever worked in the moment. But he is glad he stuck to this one. There were so many times before this that he had almost said it, but if he learned anything from Misaki, it was that timing mattered.

Misaki stirred in her sleep and muttered something, making Luffy tighten his grip on her. He wanted so badly to ask her to stay with him. Every fiber of his being wanted him to scream it out to the heavens. But the crew had all decided that nobody should push her in either direction. The best he could do was give her all the information she needed before she made her decision. He loved her. They all loved her. He just wanted her to be happy. They all did. And that meant supporting any decision she made. Even if it hurt. Even if it meant saying goodbye.

He gritted his teeth at the thought. Luffy was usually pretty pushy. He always seemed to know when to push someone to stay. When they didn't actually want to leave, but felt like they had no choice in the matter — just as an example. But this was different. There was no outside influence that was forcing her to choose something she didn't want. She wanted both. He knew that. Something deep inside of him told him that picking both was not an option, however. And he wanted her to be able to be free to choose. He wanted to support whatever decision she made, so long as she was happy with it.

Luffy stretched out his arm and shut off the lights, hoping it would help him sleep.

"Luffy..." Misaki muttered, making him tense up. Did I wake her up? She rolled away from him, clinging to the blanket as she did. He chuckled to himself as he snatched ahold of the covers, keeping her from stealing them off of him. She whined softly. He rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around her, clutching her to his chest. His heart fluttered as she snuggled back into him.

Misaki started snoring softly again. The sound was so soothing. It made Luffy's eyes feel heavy. He placed a kiss on her head and swiftly fell asleep.


I stirred a little, blinking at the sun coming through the windows. Luffy was snuggled up against my back, his arms wrapped around me tightly. A loud snore rung out inside the crow's nest, making me grin. I wasn't used to waking up before him. I patted his arm and sighed with content.

"Mmm, yes, I would like some more meat." Luffy mumbled, making me giggle. Of course, he is dreaming about meat. I couldn't believe how elated I felt. All the weight that had been sitting on my shoulders had finally lifted. The day before was so amazing. Forget that I got a chance to speak with Luffy's brother, but I also got to celebrate a wonderful holiday with people I really loved and cared for.

      I thought about all of my wonderful gifts and wondered what I could get everybody in return. Anything I could think of paled in comparison to their gifts. Everything was so thought out. They really did make the night magical. From the lights, to the music, to the food, to the gifts, to simply being with everybody. I loved them all so much.

     Luffy's grip tightened as he continued to mutter about meat. It made me laugh. How did I happen to fall in love with such a strange man? I squirmed to turn around in his arms and kissed him on the nose. He scrunched his nose and whined.

     "Luffyyyyy" I sang.

     "Hmmmm. Meat." He answered before continuing to snore. I brought my hands to his stomach and tickled him. He tried to wiggle away from me but I kept it up until he was erupting with laughter.

   "Misakiiii!! What are you?! Hehehehahahaha! Stoooop!! Hehhehehehhahahaha!" He tried grabbing my hands before switching things up and tickling me back. I burst out laughing, trying desperately to stop him. "Betcha wish you hadn't done that!" He laughed, still tickling me.

     "Stop ok ok! I give! I'm sorry!" I laughed. He snickered at me, having way too much fun.

    "What's the magic word?"

    "Please stop!!!" I laughed.

    "Is that it??" He kept tickling me.

    "Please stop, Captain!" I choked out. Luffy snickered and stopped tickling me. I gasped for air, trying desperately to catch my breath.

    "Dang, I love when you call me Captain." He snickered. I stuck my tongue out at him and he gave me another bright smile.

"You're a brat." I feigned annoyance.

"You love me, though." He said, sticking his tongue out at me.

"I do. Brat." I giggled.

"Hey, you started it!" He said, sitting up. "So that makes you the brat!"

"Nah, I think you're the brat, Captain." I said with a wink, making him melt.

"I'll be the brat if you keep calling me captain." He swooned.

"Is it really that easy to get my way?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Call me strong too and I'll probably be strutting 'round here like Sanji."

"You are strong, Luffy." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Aweee stop iiiit." Luffy swooned, waving me off as he blushed.

"You're such a freak!" I said, pushing his shoulder gently. He bent over and kissed me on the forehead, making me blush.

"It's a family of weirdos here. I don't know what you expected."

"I wouldn't have it any other way!" I giggled.

Just then, a loud growl came from Luffy's stomach. We both looked at each other and laughed.

"Is it time for breakfast or is it time to raid the kitchen?" Luffy said, peaking out the window. He huffed through his nose, indicating that it was not yet time for breakfast. "Ughhhh"

"Oh! I got something!" I sang. Luffy went rigid and then looked over at me as I dug through my clothes. "It's not a lot but I snagged some jerky while I was in town with Sabo!"

Luffy started drooling. "You mean you have food??"

"Mhmm, that's right! It's not much, but it should tide you over!" I picked up the bag of jerky and he snatched it out of my hand before I could even look his way.

"MMMMM! This is yummy!" Luffy exclaimed, devouring the jerky.

"Hey! At least give me a bite!" I yelled.

"Oh sorry, here M'!" He said, handing me a handful of jerky and downing the rest.

I snacked on what he handed me while giggling at his gluttony. I honestly didn't expect him to give me any.

"I swear, Hell just froze over."

"Shut uuuuup." Luffy rolled his eyes.

   "Should we head down?"

"Nah, I got other stuff in mind." Luffy jumped back into the futon with me and wrapped me in his arms. "We can just stay here while we wait for breakfast."

    I blushed as he rubbed his cheek against mine. "I'm not against that."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now