Shrink (part 2)

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    I sat back on the couch and looked at the ole doc. It's not like I told her absolutely everything. I left out some details here and there, but the gist was there. And boy, did she look like she was at a loss for words.

    "I know what you're probably going to say."


    "Something about how some kind of trauma must have sent me into a grand delusion so that I could cope with all that must have been happening to me. Something like that I bet."

    "And you think that's wrong." That wasn't a question. More like a statement.

    "Look, I can come to terms with the fact that maybe my time with the crew is over. But I don't think it was a delusion. It was real."

    "I believe that you believe it was real."

     "Nice, doc. Really. That was very shrink-y of you. Does that mean I'm heading to the nut house?"

    "No. So long as you can accept you are no longer there, I don't believe you're experiencing any delusions as of now. Meaning you are sane."

    "Gee, thanks doc." I said, rolling my eyes.


  "I'm back again, doc. How's life going, shrinking heads?" I couldn't really be bothered with formalities.

   "Misaki, why don't you ever use my name?" Oh shit. Perceptive.

    "To be honest, he liked playing the nickname game and I guess it rubbed off on me a bit."

    "Hmm, interesting." She wrote something down, making my eyebrow twitch.

    "What is that you're writing?"

     "Does 'playing the nickname game' make you feel closer to him?"

    "Damn, ok, hopping right in." I murmured. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense."


    "Misaki, have you ever thought about putting yourself back out there?"

    "Out where?"

    "Back out into the dating world."

     "Excuse me?!" I got a little too animated, jumping up out of my seat.

    "Yes! Why don't you get out there? Try and connect with someone! It doesn't have to be serious!"

    "What kind of therapist recommends dating when the client is still working on themselves?!"

    "Well, normally I would say love yourself first, but I don't think that is the problem here. The problem is that you are unwilling to connect with anyone. Something that supposedly wasn't a problem when you were on your two year hiatus."

    "I'm not betraying him." I said dryly.

    "Misaki, it's been a couple months now."

    "So? What's your point?"

    "My point is that you've been spending the last few months avoiding making connections in hope that he might somehow, some day, show up and whisk you away back to the 'other reality'." I hated when she made quotes with her hands like that. I knew she didn't think it was real. That was fine. But it still bugged me.

     "Yeah? Are you really a therapist? Or are you actually a conspiracy theorist? Cause that theory is wild."

     "Don't you think if he could, he would have by now?"

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