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    Jean couldn't help but insert herself right into the strawhats — as if she belonged there right from the start. Misaki wasn't surprised. Her mother was like a chameleon — blending in no matter the circumstance. Like her sitting down for tea with Jimbei and Robin, or tinkering with gadgets with Usopp and Franky, knocking it back with Zoro, and even making J burgers and other meals with Sanji. Even flirting with Brook just to get a laugh.

Like stated, she was just like a chameleon. So long as that chameleon also had a commanding aura about her. It was interesting, actually. Her and Luffy would clash on occasion. Her mom was very much used to being top dog, and Luffy was fine with that when it was her world...

   "It's my ship, Momma J!" Luffy screeched. "I'm the captain, not you!"

   "Well I'm just saying if you want to —"

   "— nope!"

   "But if you would just let me —"

   "—nuh uh!" Luffy said, crossing his arms.

   "I'm JUST SAYING —"

   "It's not the same as the other side, Mamma J!" Luffy finally said. "I respect you, but you don't command this ship."

   Misaki simply sat back and watched on. Her mother was absolutely fuming over this little disagreement. Even Nami and Usopp were nudging Misaki, trying to get her to intervene — but this wasn't her battle and she certainly knew when to butt out.

   Jean took a deep breath, unclenching her fists, and smiled. "Ok. You win. You're right. Not my ship." She said shakily.

   Misaki's eyes widened a little, but she still stayed back, sitting calmly in the lawn chair by the table with the umbrella. Damn, that's the first time I have ever seen my mom concede.

   "Damn straight, I'm right!" Luffy said, pursing his lips. ".... So... you wanna go get a snack?" He said, scratching his head.

  "A snack sounds good!" Jean said, smiling.


   I was half expecting her to make some outrageous or slighted comment to or about Luffy to get under his skin. Especially after conceding her viewpoint. But, much to my surprise, she didn't bother. In fact, the two had no issues going to grab snacks together afterward. I thought back to how many times Luffy had gotten me to relax after an argument.

    Even if I was feeling insecure, he always knew what to say to make me feel secure. But he had never outright dominated the conversation the way he did with my mother just now. He put down very clear and concise boundaries just now, and it seemed that was actually what my mom needed in the moment. Funny. I wonder how he does it.

For someone who could be a little more on the dense side sometimes, he sure knew how to deal with each individual on his ship. It really was his specialty. He could sense people's feelings and knew exactly what to say when it really mattered. That was just Luffy. He was incredible like that. Remarkable even.

It made me wonder I was really good enough for someone like him. I knew he thought I was, but something deep down made me want to go above and beyond. I guess that's how he made a lot of people feel. He had this ability to pull people onto his side and have them rally behind him. Bet on him. Believe in him. And, because of that, put their lives on the line for him. Get better and grow for him. I wanted to do that too. I wanted to be someone he could be proud to call his partner. I wanted to be able to protect myself in the New World and truly stand beside him.

"Oi! Misaki!" I looked up to see Luffy grinning at me. He outstretched his hand, revealing a little cracker with peanut butter on it and a slice of banana. I grinned, and opened my mouth, crunching it happily as he passed it to me.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now