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"Don't call me that. It's not my name anymore." I said dryly.

"I'm sorry. That is your legal name."

"I don't care! I don't want to be called that."

"Ok then, Misaki. I know it's been quite a tough time for you here. I know you are still in quite a bit of distress, and are even a little depressed."

I huffed through my nose, refusing to look at the lady. This stupid psychiatrist still wouldn't clear me.

"Despite this, I don't really see a reason not to clear you to go home. Except that you refuse to talk about what happened to you these last two years."

I huffed again, unwilling to relinquish any information.

"I heard you came back in some interesting articles of clothing. You threatened someone when they asked you to remove them. Do you maybe want to share why you are so attached to these things?"

"I didn't threaten them, I just told them to get fucked. I've got nothing to say. I'm not going to give you reasons to think I'm crazy."

"I don't think you are crazy."


"Did you experience any kind of trauma while you were missing? Did anybody traumatize you specifically?"

"The fuck is wrong with you people?" I muttered. "No. Nobody traumatized me!"

"You were described to be hitting and throwing things, hard enough to fracture your hand and your wrist. That makes me think you suffered some kind of trauma."

"That and the bullet holes and scars all over my body, right? That can be considered trauma right? Did you conveniently forget about those or are you just trying to push my buttons?"

"Emotional trauma."

"The only thing traumatizing is this conversation!"

"Why are you so distressed, Misaki? This aggression. Where is it coming from?"

"I don't want to be here, Ma'am." That was a loaded statement.

"Do you think getting to go home would help you more than staying here?" I can't go home, you bitch.

"Yeah. I don't know. Maybe." I crossed my arms and sighed. "Probably."

"I'm going to prescribe you some medication for anxiety and depression, and release you on the basis that you return once a week for therapy until your therapist deems fit."

"I don't need a therapist!" I hissed.

"Doesn't matter if you think you need it or not. You have suffered in many ways, and I think you need to see a therapist at least once a week."

    I huffed. At least I was going to get to leave finally.


"Heya doc. Ready to shrink my head?" I said dryly. My therapist looked at me and smiled.

"Ah, chipper as always, Misaki." I appreciated that she obliged in referring to me as my chosen name. It didn't mean I liked her, however.

I sat on the couch and rested my chin on my hand as I looked out the window. Most of these sessions I tended to sit like this and just grunt out answers. It really wasn't my cup of tea.

"I see you're wearing that scarf of yours. It really is charming." She said, smiling at me. I huffed through my nose, not really knowing what to say. There was always a chill on the sea breeze, so it made sense for me to wear the scarf pretty much all the time on the Sunny. But even as it started warming up here, I just couldn't bear to take it off. None of my possessions ever got taken off, in fact. Well aside from the jacket. Sometimes I just got too hot.

My mom tried to wash my scarf once and I absolutely lost it on her. I managed to snag it back before she got it in the wash. I liked that it still smelled like the sea. To be fair, to them, it was just a scarf that paid homage to a silly anime. They had no idea what it meant to me.

"Do you maybe have anything to say about your scarf today?"

I grunted, trying to make it clear that it wasn't going to happen. She sighed, and moved on.

"How are you doing with re-acclimating to normal life?"

"I dunno. I got a job if that matters."

"That's a great start! And what about reconnecting with some people? Friends? Family?"

"I just..." I sighed. "I just talk to my brother mostly. My mom..."

"Ok. And what were you really going to say?"

"Wow, that was so shrinky of you! Next ask me how that made me feel." I knew I was being difficult, but it was just too easy to make fun of her. She didn't respond and I sighed. "I just am not happy. The people here are kinda... boring."

"I'm sorry, why can't you tell me about your experience?"

    "Because it sounds crazy. You'll probably send me to the loony bin."

    "You know what? Try me." she reached out and turned off the tape recorder, then put her pen and paper down. "This will be 100% off the record. If I say anything to anyone, it will be in direct violation of my code."

    I looked at her skeptically.

    "Come on, Misaki. It's obvious you need to vent about this to someone. Or else you may never be able to let go." I hesitated before looking at her.

"Have you ever heard of the multiple universe theory?"

"I have."

"There's been no proof or documentation of anyone ever hopping successfully between such universes. It's just a theory."


"But, what if it wasn't just a theory?"

"Ok, you've definitely caught my attention."

I sighed, not really sure where to start.

"You really wanna know..." My cheek rested on my hand as I looked sideways outside the window. I felt my hair shift against my cheek. My eyes narrowed as I hesitated. "My story?"

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