Day 3: Evening

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   "I don't understand, M', I thought you said it was going to be ok." Luffy said as he put his hands behind his head.

   "This is why it's gonna be ok." I said flatly. "I am NOT getting in the way of your dream.

    I knew that it would be too early, but I bought a couple tests to take with me to the other side, just in case. I bought the market out of condoms and other products, wanting to make sure I was never caught off guard again. And then, last but not least, I bought a few ovulation tests. Better that I track my cycle and say no than take any chances.

   This was a wake up call. We were definitely playing way too fast and loose with this shit. It was a good thing I wasn't going to need money soon, because that costed an arm and a leg.

I stuffed everything except the pill and the ovulation test into my camping backpack, with the plan to bring it all back with me. Yeah. That works. When we got back to the house, I popped the pill and snuck into the bathroom to take the test.


Luffy was definitely more relaxed than Misaki was. Why wouldn't he be? He just had quite the experience. He was on cloud nine. He had never felt closer to Misaki than in those moments. But, as much as it was fun, he understood why it could only happen like that once. He wasn't that stupid. He knew how bad this could go. He had been pretty good about avoiding this scenario in the past. Something just got away from him this time and he messed up.

The second time was mostly just because it was too late. And maybe that was wrong too. It didn't feel wrong though. In fact, it felt very right. Being with Misaki like that was on a whole other level.

With all that being said, he understood why she was freaking out, but he also could tell she had it covered. He trusted that. He sighed as he sat on the bed in her room. How long was she going to take in there?

After a few minutes, she came through the door, looking super relieved.

"Ok so the good news is that I'm not ovulating. Which just means the worst case scenario is very unlikely." She said as her shoulders slumped. She sat down and leaned against him, making his heartbeat pound. "But that cannot keep happening, Luffy. We may not be lucky next time."

Luffy sighed. "I know I know. It wasn't on purpose. The first time wasn't at least..."

"Well, we are going to be extra careful from now on." She said. He wasn't sure what she meant, but he certainly wasn't going to mess up again. "I'll show you what I mean later."

He rolled his eyes. Oh those. He didn't want to use those things, but he understood why she was so panicked. The sea was no place for such a thing. Well, he knew there were actually plenty of pirates with kids now that he thought about it... but they were both way too young.

Luffy swung his legs as he thought. He wondered if he would ever feel different about the subject. He would like to think he would. At least if that's what Misaki wanted. But for now, he certainly shared her sentiment about the situation. And that was a big fat "nope" for now.

   Luffy wrapped his arms around Misaki and pulled her back into the bed.

   "What are you doing?" She said, a little too seriously.

   "What we should have done after!" He said, tickling her sides for a moment. She laughed out loud and then collapsed against his chest. "Mmm. Yes, this." He said, giving her a squeeze.

  "I gotcha now." She said, taking a deep breath. His heart just kept thudding away like this was the best thing he ever did with her.

   He wondered if his heart's violent response to her would ever really go away or not. Only time would tell. And he certainly had gotten more comfortable with her. Though, once in a while, he would find himself flinching away from the spark between them, or having his breath taken away for just a moment in time.

   A little bit of time passed between them. A very comfortable silence filled the air. And that's something he always liked about them. Sometimes, They could just sit and be comfortable together.

   "Do you wanna talk about it?" Luffy asked in a hushed tone.

   "Not really." She said.

   "I kinda liked it." He admitted.

   "Luffy!" She said, smacking him on the chest.

   "But I won't do it again!" He said, snickering.

   "You better not!"

   "I won't!" He said. There was a long pause before Misaki spoke again.

   "I wonder what everybody is up to." Misaki sighed. Well that was random.

    "Like your mom?"

    "Well we know what she is up to so no. I really was more wondering what my dad is up to. He should be out of work by now."

   "Well, we could always eat. We skipped lunch." Luffy said. Now that he was thinking about it, his stomach was growling like crazy. He grabbed his stomach and laughed. Misaki chuckled at him.


    After a rummage through the fridge and a few burgers later, Luffy sat, half comatose, on the couch, leaving me to wash the dishes. It made me actually miss Sanji a little bit, thinking about how I only had to dry the dishes and place them on the drying rack. Sure beat doing it all by myself, that was for sure.



   "I'm bored."

   "I know."

   "And I'm still hungry."

   "Too bad." I said. I could hear the frown all the way in the kitchen.

   "Can we do something?" Where the Hell am I going to take this man when it's about to be night?

   "Um... it depends on what you want to do?"

    "I dunno. Show me something from this world that's not in mine! Like what were those games you talked about once?"

   "Video games?"

    "Yes! Those!"

   For all of the interesting technology in his world, there wasn't anything that was created to really entertain people. There were casino games. But video games.... I didn't want to just sit him down in front of a console. I knew Luffy well enough to know exactly what kind of experience he was looking to have.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now