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Sabo waited up for us but said he couldn't stay for breakfast. Luffy and him hugged and said their goodbyes and then it was time for the main event. Luffy and I strode into the dining room, confidently hand in hand. Everyone smiled and watched happily as we plopped down in our seats. Luffy grabbed his silverware and started hooting and hollering for food, making me laugh.

"So Luffy!" Zoro chimed in, making Luffy stop his antics for a moment. "Did you chicken out?" Luffy grinned and continued his chant, ignoring him. Zoro sat back in his chair and took a swig of his drink. "Guess that answers it."

When Sanji came out with the food, I joined in, tapping the table with my hands and chanting along with him. I was starving, and chanting food over and over was very satisfying. Next thing I knew, Brook, Chopper, and Franky were joining the fray. No need to ask about the details, it was breakfast time!

We all started eating ravenously, knowing if we didn't, we risked Luffy snagging up half of our food. While I was in the middle of chewing a particularly big bite, Nami grabbed me by the shoulder and yanked me toward her.

"But dude, did he do it?" Nami whispered.

"You knew he was gonna?"

"Of course I knew! We all knew!"

"Wait a second... so you all knew before I did?"

Nami's eyes widened and she stuffed some food in her mouth. I raised my eyebrows. She definitely got that technique from Luffy. Ignoring her, I went to snag another bite of my food when I heard the clang of my fork hitting an empty plate.

"Hey!" I said, grabbing Luffy by the cheek. His skin stretched as I pulled, making it harder for him to chew. "What the Hell are you stealing from me for?"

"What's mine is yours, right?" He said, swallowing.

"That's marriage you moron! Keep your grubby little hands off my food!"

"Nuh uh! That's not just a marriage thing!" Luffy said, grabbing another bite of food.

"Yes it is!"

"Well I would share with you!"

"You didn't even give me the chance to share, you little thief!"

"Fine! Misaki, can I have your bacon?"

"No way!" I said, grabbing all of my bacon and stuffing it in my mouth.

"See! You weren't gonna share if I had asked!"

"I shared my jerky with you this morning!" I yelled, muffled by the bacon I was chipmunking in my cheeks.

"Yeah! And I didn't even eat all of it! I would say that shows a lot of restraint!"

"You still ate 90% of the bag!"

"You told me I could!"

"Well i didn't tell you you could eat half of my plate!" I said, still chewing the bacon. I really shouldn't have stuffed that much in my mouth.

Just then, everybody started laughing. Luffy and I looked at everyone, our cheeks still filled with food, tilting our heads in confusion.

"And I was worried things would be different!" Usopp laughed.

"I was a little worried too!" Nami laughed, wiping a tear from her eye.

"What's the big deal, guys?" Luffy asked.

"Nothing!" Chopper exclaimed.

"Everyone is just happy that everything is normal between you two." Brook said softly. "I had butterflies in my stomach all night, worrying. Not that I have a stomach, YOHOHOHO!"

Luffy tried to snatch some food while everybody was laughing, making Nami throw a roll at him. He grabbed it in his mouth and chewed happily, making everybody laugh harder. I finally finished chewing and swallowed. I laughed along with everybody.

"Guys, it's not like we are different people now!" I giggled.

"Yeah! We're still us!" Luffy said, snatching a piece of sausage from Usopp.

"Hey!" Usopp chided, still laughing.

"What did you think was gonna happen? We were gonna walk in and feed each other and be all mushy and clingy?" I said, taking a bite of my omelet.

"We weren't sure what to expect, but I'm SUPERR glad it wasn't that!" Franky exclaimed.

"Let's shut up and eat!" Luffy said bluntly! I laughed and pounded my fist in the air in agreement.

Nami leaned over and whispered in my ear "I still wanna hear all about it!" I nodded in agreement. I couldn't wait to talk about it. But first, I needed seconds.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now