Land Ho!

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    Luffy smiled as he hugged Misaki. They still had a couple hours before landing at the next island, so he figured he would let her sleep. She was sleeping so soundly, it made his heart soar. It felt like an eternity since she last slept so soundly. But last night, there was no nightmare. No calling his name frantically to come save her. Last night, it finally ended. She must be so relieved. He certainly was.

   He didn't mean to be so rough with her, but he definitely wasn't getting any complaints either. In fact, she seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. Afterwards, he could tell she needed some attention. She was quiet — relaxed but a little shaky. So he did the only thing he could think to do — he pampered her. He knew it was the right move when she relaxed into him while he was massaging her. They had an entire conversation with absolutely no words. That drove him crazy. He squeezed her a little as he thought about it, making her mutter happily in her sleep.

    He loved her. He loved her so much it hurt. And he was so happy that she was joining him in working toward his dream to become the pirate king. He wondered what her dream could be. He wanted to know it. He wanted to support it. But, he thought maybe she might have just wanted to be with the crew at that point. He didn't know if she planned anything beyond that, but that was ok. She had plenty of time to figure that out.

She sighed in his arms and nuzzled tighter against him, making his heart do a flip. Luffy grinned at her. She was the only girl who got his heart beating like that. He was glad it never really went away. She made his heart race, his face flush red, and his head feel all swimmy, even now. Was he better at dealing with it? Sure. Was he more comfortable with it? Of course. But he knew those feelings would never go away. He closed his eyes, basking in the feeling of being close with her, until he, too, drifted off to sleep.


"LAND HO!!!!!!"

I wasn't sure who said it, but I knew what that meant. I sat up quickly, Luffy still grasping onto my sleeve as I did.

"Come on, Lu!!!" I said, shaking him awake. "It's time to explore the island!!!!"

"Mmm hang on, M'!" He mumbled, clearly still asleep.

I hopped out of bed and popped in some overalls and a short sleeve shirt, opting to leave my scarf today. Judging from the little details we did know about the island, I had a feeling it would be too hot and humid to wear it. I did, however, make sure to clasp on my bracelet and my necklace.

"Ok, Luffy. You gotta get up now." I said, shaking him again.

He muttered something under his breath and I sighed. There were only two ways I knew how to get him up, and I didn't have any meat on me. Instead, I leaned down and started kissing up his stomach, over his chest and began nibbling at his neck. He hummed happily as I made my way up to his ear, where I blew in it. He muttered again. I grazed it with my teeth, making him squirm. Then, I chomped it, tugging a little as I did.

"AGHH! Owowowow!!! What the Hell, Misaki?!" He said, jumping up and rubbing his ear.

"Serves you right for being so hard to wake up!" I giggled.

"Oh yeah?! Well I'm gonna getcha back for that!" Luffy jumped up and wrapped his arms around me, playfully nibbling at me anywhere he could reach as I laughed and squirmed.

"Alright alright! I give! I'm sorry!" I giggled, making him plop a big kiss on my cheek. "Let's go see this island, Lu! Come on!"

    "Ooooooo!" He exclaimed with stars in his eyes. "I wonder what it's gonna be?!"

   We went out on the deck and stood in awe at the jungle ahead of us. The humidity was almost palpable, and the heat was intense.

   "Is that a town I see?!" Luffy said, stars in his eyes. "It looks like they built a bunch of treehouses!!!"

   "Maybe we can get a room for the night!" Nami said. I was shocked that she would be willing to spend money when we could just sleep here.

   "Maybe we should get a second room." Luffy whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

     I straightened up a little, feeling my face getting red. And then, suddenly, Luffy was on the ground with a big welt on his head.

   "We are not funding a second room!" Nami said angrily. I was not gonna get involved in this one. Luffy stood back up and started to protest before she cut him off. "You guys already had plenty of alone time in the shower this morning!"

    Both of us lit up as red as could be. We looked dumbfounded at Nami, who was crossing her arms and glaring at the two of us. Luffy blinked and I just stared blankly. Did she really just say that?! I glanced around at all the awkward expressions littered throughout the crew and my face got redder.

   "Well obviously it wasn't that much of alone time if you guys could hear us." Luffy muttered, scratching his head. Nami punched him on the head again, making me wince.

   "Maybe you should be a little more aware that this ship has other people!"

   "Hey, I'm the captain! I —!" Ouch. The next one was hard enough to knock him to the floor again. This time he stayed there. "Y-you're right. I'm sorry." He muttered, tears in his eyes. Ouch, poor Luffy. I was really glad she wasn't hitting me, though.

   "If you want alone time, stay on the ship!" Nami said angrily.

   "But I wanna explore!" We both whined.

    "Suit yourself! Guess you will have to deal with us!" Nami answered.

   "Ok, fair." Luffy said, standing up as if nothing had happened and reaching out for my hand. He grabbed the air cutely as I smiled and took it. He yanked me over to him and took off. "YAHOOOOOOOO!"

I laughed as the wind ripped through my hair and tried to choke me as we fell from the Sunny. I could barely keep my eyes open, my heart in my throat as he leapt and ran around, checking out all of the sights. The moment we got into the forest, a thick and hot drizzle came from the canopy.

"It's a rain forest!" I exclaimed.

"Should've brought our rain coats." Luffy snickered.

I put my hand on his face, my heart swelling as I watched him laugh. He is so perfect. He opened his eyes and looked at me, a giant sunshine smile still plastered on his face. Water brimmed and dropped from the rim of his hat and dropped down onto my face, making me giggle.

"Here." He said, taking his hat and plopping it on my head. "That'll keep you nice and dry."

"I feel honored." I said, blushing. He snickered and plopped a kiss on my nose, tilting his head so he didn't knock his hat off.

"You're my partner, M'. I know you'll take good care of it!" Goddamn, he really did know how to make me blush. The only person Luffy has ever handed his hat off to before was Nami. That being said, I felt incredibly special in that moment. "You can't keep it though."

"Ha! Of course not!"

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now