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   Luffy's smile fell. I didn't like making him unhappy, but I couldn't very well say yes, either. Forget that there shall be no romance amongst the crew and I've already been breaking that rule left and right. But I'm not from here!

    "What? Why not, Misaki?" He whined.

    "Luffy, I know you can be a little dense but come on! I may have been distracted a bit, but we are still keeping an eye out for a way for me to go home at some point!"

    "Why would you even want to go home? Don't you like it here? Aren't you happy?" More than you would even believe.

     "This isn't about being happy. What if I just don't belong here?" I huffed. Slowly, I realized these were fears that I had, myself. "What if I just get sucked back into my reality one day? What, are you gonna come get me?" I scoffed.

     "Yeah! If that's what you want!" Luffy yelled back. I staggered for a moment.

     "What if I don't?!" I stabbed back.

"Why wouldn't you?!"

"That would be horrifying!"



      "Me coming to take you back would be horrifying?"

      "YES!" I exclaimed. Luffy let out an annoyed grunt that bellowed deep in his throat.

     "With all the stories you have told me about your world, not once have you ever said you were happy there. Not once!"

      "What if I don't belong here?"

      "You were miserable there."

      "I have family and friends there!"

      "You have that here too!"

       "Luffy, stop!"

       "You are happier here!"

"Who are you to decide that?!"

"What's there that's missing here?"

      "You can do whatever you want here!"

      "Oh yeah? Can I talk to my family?"

      "You know that's not what I meant!"

      "Luffy, stop!"

       "You are free here!"

       "Then don't make me choose right now!" I screamed. The entire sea fell silent, aside from the sound of the waves hitting the hull of the ship. I continued, quieter. "I'm not free if I have to choose. I might have to make a choice in an hour, or in ten years. I don't want to make one now. I want to cross that bridge when we get to it. Don't make me choose."

      Luffy stood there, contemplating for a moment, his hat casting a shadow over his eyes.

      "Ok. I'm sorry I asked, Misaki." He said, his hat still casting its shadow. "I just thought you wanted to be here with m— with us..."

      I didn't know how to put it. I wanted to be here, but a part of me couldn't let go of my past life. I still had things I cared about and missed about my old world. "It's not simple, Luffy... It's scary... to let go... and I don't know if this is enough to do it..."

I walked away. I couldn't have that conversation any longer. As I was walking, I saw Zoro appear in front of me. His eye bore straight through me. Into my core. I kept walking, bumping shoulders with him as I went to the girl's room to pout.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now