Day 5

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Luffy moaned as he heard the sound of hangers clinking against the closet. He rolled over, hoping to continue his dream about meat. But the clinking continued, making him grunt and turn back over. He pinched his eyes shut, irritated at the sound of fabric rustling.

"Misakiiii. It's early!" He groaned. It wasn't actually that early, but he had woken her up halfway through the night for a second round and then gone and raided the fridge, so he was still pretty tired.

"Look, dummy." Misaki said, giggling.

He groaned and opened his eyes. All his exhaustion suddenly disappeared as his eyes widened. Misaki was wearing a dress! It was short, mostly fitted, with just enough flare for a good spin at the bottom. It was pale blush in color, and her necklace and red scarf laid just right over it. He couldn't help but blush at her. Aside from pictures, he had never seen her in a dress. And he had certainly never seen her in pink either. He never thought about how she would look in a color like that, but boy, did she look pretty. He couldn't help but stare. Misaki blushed, averting her gaze a little.

"I-it's ok if you don't like it. I can change it." She said, looking off to the side.

"Don't you dare." He breathed.  Why would you think I don't like it??

"Yeah?" She said, blushing a little and dropping her chin into her scarf. Man, it's so cute when she does that.

"Why the sudden decision to wear a dress though?"

"I just thought maybe we could head out to town today. Felt like looking nice."

"You should wear dresses like that more often." Luffy said with a big grin.

"Oh?" She said, blushing a little harder.

"You look great no matter what but you look so cute in a dress!" He snickered. "Never seen you in one."

"You haven't?"


"Hm." She hummed thoughtfully.


I smiled as we walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand. It was the first time I ever felt like I had been on a real date with Luffy. To be fair, the night of our first kiss was definitely a date, looking back, and even the Christmas party felt kind of date-y, though it had a lot more people involved. But this felt like a real date.

We already made a plan. Walk around town, lunch, and then even a movie. Yes, lunch was first. Luffy made sure that was clear. And I made sure something funny was showing. The idea was to make sure he actually enjoyed it.

As we walked around town, Luffy couldn't help but look around like the biggest tourist, even sticking his face against a couple windows, especially if there was something food related. I laughed at him, hoping we wouldn't disrupt anybody.

His face lit up when he saw the playground. We had a pretty cool one to be fair, with a track where you hung from the handlebars and momentum would take you on a little course. Then there were the swings, as well as that one that can manually be spun faster. That one I refused to get on, and rightfully so, considering he spun it so fast he actually fell off and skidded across the wood chips. He couldn't stop laughing and neither could I.

I took my turn on the swings, thanking the heavens that this particular swing set was bolted to the ground. Luffy was swinging so high that it probably would have fallen over if it wasn't bolted down. He jumped off and sailed through the air, screaming "YAHOOOOOOO"! Man, I'm glad nobody else is here. Picking a weekday was definitely the right move.

"Lu! Wait up!" I yelled as he ran to the top of the play house and shot himself down the tallest slide. He came out the wrong way and face planted. "Are you ok?!" I exclaimed, hugging my knees to my chest. He picked his head up out of the wood chips. A big grin showed on his face as he snickered.

"That was fuuuun" He said, a wood chip still sticking to his face. I picked it off, giggling.

Being an adult playing in the playground was surreal and actually really fun. I couldn't remember the last time I had just let go and been silly like this. We ran around like total idiots, chasing each other, hiding, playing games. It was amazing. A stomach growling was the sign to move on to lunch. And boy, did I have the place to go and eat.

Not only did this Ramen shop have some of the best Ramen around, but it also had a meat platter that I was sure Luffy would appreciate. We each got a bowl of ramen and Luffy got the seafood platter and a steak. Normally, I would be nudging him to get him to eat a little quieter, but luckily, making noise while you ate was actually a custom to show respect to the chef in japanese culture. And boy, did the little japanese man who cooked our meals appreciate Luffy. We got an extra helping of noodles on the house. I knew bringing him here was the right choice.

Next was the movie, which backfired a little. Luffy had a lot of questions and had a problem with staying quiet. And still. And he ate all the popcorn in the first two minutes— but let's be honest; who doesn't? He had no issues thundering out a big bellied laugh when something funny happened, and also had no issues falling asleep when it got boring.

I nudged him awake a couple times before finally just putting his hand on my leg to show him there was more to movies than just watching them. He raised his eyebrows at me and squeezed my leg. I gave him a wink and he leaned over to me and whispered in my ear.

"I've been trying to be good all day. You in that dress is driving me nuts."

Goosebumps rose on the back of my neck. He leaned in and kissed me gently on the cheek, before grabbing my chin to turn my head to face him. I felt like such a teenager, making out in the darkness of a theatre. My face was hot and flushed and my heart was throbbing in my chest. I didn't think my body would still have such an intense response to him, but here I was. When the credits rolled to signify the end of the movie that I would never see, Luffy grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the theatre.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, a little confused.

"Anywhere but here!" He said with a smile.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I giggled.

"Guess we will have to find out together!"

Writer's note: I have no idea how to add this but I'm going to try and add some concept art of Misaki that I made the other day. I'm not the best at drawing but I tried. Hope you guys enjoy the read!

 Hope you guys enjoy the read!

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