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   Jean sat up and yawned. She couldn't believe how wonderfully she slept. After a little reconnaissance with the ladies of the crew, that is. She felt like she was pretty caught up to the goings on, aside from a few things they hesitated to talk about. But she was sure she was going to figure that out just fine on her own anyways. She was good at stuff like that.

   "Did you sleep well, Jean?" Nami said, already up and dressed.

    "I'd say so! Wish I could steal this bed and bring it home to be honest." Jean responded, stretching as she spoke.

    "Just wait until you eat breakfast." Robin said, smiling gently at her. "You'll wish you could take Sanji home."

   "I already wish I could take that boy home." Jean laughed.

   "Really? Sanji?" Nami said, her eyes widening.

   "He may be young but he certainly is handsome." Jean chimed. "But don't worry, I'm just kidding."

   "I'm not worried, just surprised. I thought you and Misaki would have more similar a taste is all." Nami laughed.

   "Oh don't get me wrong, that Zoro is no slouch either." Jean laughed.

   "I was talking about Luffy!" Nami laughed harder.

   "Actually, I'm still wondering about that one."

   "What do you mean?!" Robin and Nami exclaimed, making Jean laugh.

   "Well there is no doubt in my mind that she is head over heels for him, and I can see the draw for sure. He is funny, goofy, but can be serious when need be, and has a smile and laugh bright enough to light up the world!" She said cheerily, before tapping her chin. "But he is just not her type at all. Or at least... maybe not until she found him."

  "So you're saying he wasn't her type at all?! But they've been into each other since day one!" Nami exclaimed, tilting her head in confusion.

   "You have to admit, he is pretty one of a kind though. You can't really have a type for someone who's one of a kind." Robin said softly.

   "You've got that right." Nami said, nodding.

   "I really can't argue with that! He certainly is something! That's for sure!" Jean grinned.

   "You don't know the half of it!" Robin laughed.

   "You know it's funny. He is pretty reckless and impulsive. He likes to throw himself into things without necessarily thinking it through. But Misaki does the same thing sometimes! She keeps him on his toes sometimes!" Nami laughed. "It's kinda nice, giving him a taste of his own medicine."

   "I hope she isn't getting herself in too many scrapes!" Jean said.

   "I um..." Nami shifted a little. "No more than the rest of us!" She said.

   Jean could tell she was lying, but she didn't really want to pry too much. She figured it would be hard to adapt to a world like this, but until yesterday, she never realized just how strong someone had to be to survive there.

   "But seriously... I'm curious... what was her type? Before Luffy?"

   "Tall, dark, gruff, muscular... handsome... usually the ones that were more broody. Though she did settle for quite a shithead back in my world. Way worse than broody. I'm glad she changed her tune."

   "That explains her crush on Traffy." Robin said.

   "And the little thing with Zoro." Nami nodded.

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