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  After breakfast, Luffy and I waited up on my mom, who decided to flirt shamelessly with Sanji. Dear lord momma, please don't encourage him.

   "Jean-Chan, you certainly do know how to make a man's knees grow weak!" Sanji exclaimed as she giggled at him.

    "And you certainly can make an old gal like me feel young again."

  "Don't you dare call yourself old! You are mature like a fine whine, miss J." Sanji swooned.

   "Oh Sanji! Stop iiiiit!" She said, placing a hand softly on his arm, making him collapse.

  My jaw dropped. Is she actually blushing?! In all my time spent with my mother, with all the shameless flirting, I had never once seen her flustered by a man.

  "Please don't forget you're married, Mom." I said, shaking my head.

   "Hey now, there's nothing wrong with a little shameless flirting!" She said, placing her hand on her cheek as she faced me. Her face was beet red, with a smile so wide, it put Luffy's to shame.

   "Yeah, unless you're getting that flustered." I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

   "I can see why you like it here. Even if you didn't find Luffy, there are so many other lovely men here!" She exclaimed, laughing a little as she fanned herself to regain her composure. "It's been a while since such a lovely young man has flirted so outwardly with me."

  "Mommaaaa." I rolled my eyes. "Men always flirt with you. Young, old, in between. Doesn't matter." It was very clear that Sanji was her type. I really had never seen her react so fervently to a man. Not even my dad.

  "Well, doesn't matter I guess." She said, officially composed. "What are you two going to be up to now that breakfast is over?"

   "I'm going to be training." I said, a grin forming at the corners of my mouth.

   "I'm going to be helping." Luffy said, putting his hands on his hips as he smiled.

   "I'll tap in at some point too. Oh, excuse me, J." Zoro said, putting his hands on my mom's hips and picking her up to scoot her out of the doorway.

   My mom looked like she was about to melt, squeaking a little as he set her down. Zoro grinned a little and squeezed his fingers over her hips before letting her go. She quickly snatched him by the collar and pulled him toward her.

  "Don't you go teasing me, like that Zoro!" She laughed. He grinned and glanced over at me, sending a shiver up my spine.

  "Like mother like daughter I see." He muttered, putting his hands up innocently.

   "Please stop." I said sourly, making everybody laugh. I expected that from Sanji but Zoro threw me for a loop there. It didn't seem intentional until she squeaked. He just couldn't help himself, trying to get a rise out of me rather than my mom. I didn't miss the fact that he called her J, and not Momma J as well. That felt intentional.

  "Oh yes, I love when men play with my hips. I'm sure Misaki takes after me with that."

   "Aaaand we can stop talking now." I said, my face turning super red. "Mom, please stop."

   "Hey, I didn't start it. These lovely men did." She laughed, making me blush. I didn't care if she flirted with Sanji, but something about the thing with Zoro just left a sting in my throat.

   Luffy wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek, making me relax. I grinned and swooned as he lavished me with kisses, leaving tingles behind every kiss. My mom smiled and turned to face us.

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