The park

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      Luffy didn't know exactly where he was going, but he knew he wanted to go somewhere. He pulled Misaki along with him, just like the first day they had met, when he brought her to the dining room for the first time. He was moving a little too quick for her, making her whine for him to slow down, but he wanted to go faster.

   "Luffy, please!" She puffed. Awe. Come on, M'!

     He stopped running and let her catch her breath for a moment, impatiently tapping his foot. She had gotten a little softer in her time away from their world. Which was to be expected, he guessed. It wasn't like this world was that dangerous or anything. He could tell she tried to keep up her strength, but it just didn't pack as much of a punch here. It was almost like she was limited by the rules of this world. Just like how she couldn't use haki, despite Luffy still being able to use it. He crouched and put his hands out.

   "Get on!" He said. Misaki looked at him and obliged, climbing onto his back and whispering out a sorry as she did. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her chin on his shoulder. This was the way he had carried many girls, but for Misaki, he couldn't help but blush a little. This wasn't an urgent need. It was just for fun.

   Luffy kept running. He knew he would know where he was going once he was there. He ran down a path that looked just worn enough. It was a dirt path, laden with large old trees on either side, vines dripping down from their branches. When he slowed, he had come upon a simple park. The kind with a pond and some benches. Ducks swam in the pond and smaller birds fluttered around in the grass, hoping people would drop some tasty treats for them. He smiled.


"Here?" Misaki said, hopping down from his back.

"Yeah!" Luffy said, throwing his hands behind his head and falling backward so he could bask in the sun.

The sun was especially nice that day, and Luffy just wanted to relax somewhere where he could bask. He could hear Misaki laugh at him, but he didn't care. If she thought it was silly, well... he is silly. He glanced over to see Misaki crouching, her knees tucked against her chest and her arms wrapped around them.

"I'm in a dress, Lu." She said softly. Oh yeah.

"Nobody's around, M'!" He said, closing his eyes again. He smiled as he heard her settle into the grass. The sun was so warm.

It had only been a few days, but he already missed the Sunny and his crew. He could only imagine how Misaki felt, being gone for so long. Even though she was returning to her normal self, he noticed there was still a sadness about her. It wasn't because she was sad about leaving here - he asked. That sadness had been clinging to her for a long time. It was the same sadness she had while they were on the Sunny together. She was missing the people she used to know, only this time, she was missing the crew.

He realized that, with everybody going to work all the time here, that the house was pretty empty most of the time. He could admit it was pretty jarring, going from an omnipresent crew to scarcely ever seeing anybody.

He peered at Misaki. She was laying there, her hands on her stomach, her hair wildly spread out in every direction. The look on her face was serene, her eyes shut gently as a small smile was placed at the corner of her lips. It almost looked like she was in a daydream. Perhaps she was imagining herself on the Sunny.

Her lid opened ever so slightly as she peeked at him out of the corner of her eye. Luffy felt himself swiftly look away, blushing slightly. He was caught watching her. He knew that was ok. But for some reason, he felt embarrassed that he had been looking, and his heart had suddenly started ramming in his chest. He closed his eyes and took a breath to center himself.

Once in a while, moments like that would still happen. Their hands would accidentally touch, and they would both instinctively jolt away. Their eyes would meet for a second and he would feel the need to look away, his ears and cheeks getting hot. Maybe even a moment where he would go to grab her hand and just had to let go for a moment to compose himself. It was like their hearts were overreacting to something they should have been used to. It was nice. And annoying. He both wished it would go away and never stop at the same time.

He heard Misaki take a deep breath in and peeked at her again. Her face had gotten even softer, almost like she had fallen asleep. Luffy smiled and closed his eyes. This, right here, was what he wanted. He felt his eyes flutter shut as he thought about his crew.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now