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Luffy's eyes opened. He didn't even realize he had fallen asleep. Zoro was on guard duty in the crow's nest, so that didn't really matter, but something else had him frozen in worry. He held his breath as his face got red. Misaki was snoring softly right next to him, her hair falling over her face heavily now. She was on her stomach, he head turned toward him, and worst of all, her hand was cupped firmly over his. He grimaced as he realized there wasn't any good way to pull his hand away without waking her up. He had no idea how heavy a sleeper she was, after all. He turned over to get a better look at her.

What was it about her that made him so uncomfortable? Unconsciously, he reached up and brushed the hair from her face, making her mutter something illegible in her sleep. He froze again, hoping she wouldn't wake up. Right then, a breeze blew past, making her shudder.

   Luffy frowned. Obviously she's too cold. He noticed how cold her hand was too, and made his decision. He gathered up the courage to move his hand quickly out from underneath hers. She muttered, but didn't wake, making him breathe a sigh of relief. He stood up and looked around before picking her up bridal style and carrying her toward the girl's room.

   He huffed and lightly knocked on the door with his foot. Nami came to the door, looking confused.

  "Luffy!" Nami started.

   "Shhhh. She's cold." Luffy whispered, holding Misaki out to her.

   "I can't hold her like that, Luffy! You gotta bring her in yourself." She said, making him bite his lip. Misaki stirred in his arms and he brought her back to his chest, groaning and rolling his eyes as he walked into the room. He placed her in the bed, trying not to wake her up.

  "Lu?" She muttered, making him freeze. Her eyes squinted open just for a second.


   "I miss you already." She mumbled before turning over in her sleep.

   Luffy's brow furrowed. Miss me already? I'm right here! He looked questioningly at Nami, who forced out a shrug, making him roll his eyes. It would be so much easier if they would just tell me. He pulled up the covers like Zoro did earlier and looked at her.

   Nami craned her head curiously. His expression was blank, then confused, then blank again. She couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind. Luffy turned on his heel and walked out, lazily waving goodnight to Nami on the way.


I opened up my eyes, surprised to find myself back in my room again. I looked up at Nami and Robin, who were still fast asleep. How the Hell did I end up back here? It had to have been Luffy.

My fingers were still cold, telling me I must have gotten too chilled while I was out there. I smiled a little at the thought that he carried me in here. Then, my smile fell to a frown. I hope it wasn't annoying that he had to do that. Having no history with him (in his eyes), it was safe to assume that it might be a hassle to carry someone he barely knew inside. I winced, thinking about it a little too much, as I rubbed my hands together to try and get them warm.

The thought of being a hassle made me understandably anxious. I got out of bed and paced as I rubbed my hands together. Occasionally, I would bring them up to my lips and blow hot air in. I should have worn better clothes. The mittens that Chopper gave me, the scarf.... A damned sweater. How was I supposed to know it was gonna be that cold?!

"You good over there?" Robin said, sitting up.

   "Luffy brought me in last night."


Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now