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"Damn it, Luffy! What were you thinking?!" Jimbei said as he threw Luffy onto the deck.

"Get her! Go get Misaki!" He cried weakly. "Get her! Get Misaki!"

"Get ahold of yourself, Luffy!" Jimbei said, smacking Luffy. "I will go, but you or somebody else must man the helm until I return! And let Franky know we must stay!"

"Go!" Luffy jumped up, sniffling a little as he leapt into action. "I'll handle this! Just go get her!"

   The water was relentless. After losing my grip, I felt myself get pulled far down beneath the surface until it was calm. I swam up, thanking whatever God might be out there that I was a fast swimmer, and burst to the surface right as I gasped for air. Before I could even clear my eyes, I was getting beat down again, this time multiple times, like a Gatling raining down on me. I desperately held onto the air in my lungs as I swam back to the surface. I was so close when yet another wave crashed down, shoving me further below. I held my hand to my mouth, whining as the pressure tried to steal the air from me.

    *BAM* I burst to the surface as the last of the air escaped my lungs and took an enormous breath in as I braced for more impact. Over and over. Up then down, until every fiber in my body ached for more oxygen. Each and every time, I lost my air further and further from the surface, only to get dragged back down again and again. Jimbei. Please help me.


   Jimbei dove headlong into the water and looked around. The waves crashed heavily from above, making it hard to determine where Misaki might be. He swam a ways out in the direction he thought she might be in, perplexed by the swirling currents. He knew he wasn't going to be able to see her on the surface amidst the violent waves, so he waited. He waited for her to sink below the churning waters, where it was calm. He looked around, hoping she would know to let herself sink down. All he had to do was spot her.


    I burst to the surface yet again, barely getting in a breath before losing my place on the surface yet again. It was getting harder and harder to make it to the surface, but the thought of drowning terrified me. I knew what drowning felt like, and I never wanted to feel it again. Another wave crashed into me, and my scarf dragged against the water as I rose yet again to the surface. With every waking moment, it was becoming increasingly obvious that my beloved scarf was threatening to drown me. With every time I rose to the surface, my scarf dragged more and more, exhausting me.

   "Come on, Misaki. Where are you?" Jimbei muttered. He really wished she hadn't been wearing darker colors. All he needed was to see a spark of color. Her hair. Or even...

Suddenly, I realized I was no longer alone in the waters. I wasn't sure if it was a large fish or a deadly sea king, but something else was crashing into me. I could feel my precious air escaping my lungs as this thing smashed against me, full force. It continued to shove into me, pushing me farther and farther away from the Sunny before I managed to shove myself off of it. I cascaded past it's massive body as it continued to launch itself through the waters. The beast's sheer size was enough to create a shockwave large enough to send me spiraling. I thrashed at the water to bring me to the surface, just barely making it up in time before the most terrifying thing could have happened. I took another breath in and braced for impact, fearing what might lie beneath the surface.


    "Sanjiiiiiii! Zorooooooo! Somebodyyyyyy! Take the Helm!" Luffy wailed. He wanted to see what was happening, even if he couldn't do anything. He wanted to be right there when Jimbei came out of the water with Misaki. Sanji came to the surface, replaced by Brook.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now