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    "AGHHH NO WAY! GET OUT OF HERE, JAGGY!" Luffy said, fighting to keep his head up as Kidd became agitated.

   "The Hell, Strawhat?! Move over!" He said, leaping over Luffy and stepping up to me

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   "The Hell, Strawhat?! Move over!" He said, leaping over Luffy and stepping up to me. "Hey, Saki. I never heard from you after the last time you called."

   "Oh, sorry about that, Kidd! I got distracted." I said, scratching my head and blushing.

    "I can see you got a little roughed up." He said, reaching up to palm the bruise on my cheek, his face soft as he looked me up and down.

    "Hey!" Luffy growled. "Paws off!"

    "I may not have won, but I made an impression." I lamented, shooting him a crooked grin.

    "Tell me you at least got a few good shots in." Kidd said, his eyes narrowing.

    "The Hell are you even on about?!" Luffy said, running up next to us.

    "Don't worry, I did." I said as Luffy put a hand on my shoulder and Kidd's, prying himself between us. Kidd's face contorted into annoyance as he looked at Luffy.

   "What's the deal, Strawhat?! I'm just talking with her!"

    "You don't need to touch her face to talk!" Luffy spat, sneering back at Kidd.

    "I do what I want!" Kidd  snapped. "I don't hear 'Saki complaining!"

    "It's Misaki or M'! Got that?!" Luffy growled.


    Luffy was absolutely livid. His heart hammered angrily in his chest as his nose crinkled at Jaggy. How dare he touch her like that?! On my ship too! That was definitely not cool. He really didn't enjoy their interactions, and even though he trusted Misaki, he didn't trust him. It didn't help that a faint memory kept creeping into his head. I wanted to talk to him.... And it made me feel better to talk to him... I liked talking to him. Something clenched in his gut when he remembered that. And it only got worse when she blushed at him. Luffy knew it was innocent, but it still irritated him to no end. And it left him with this undesirable taste in his mouth as he barked out insults at Jaggy, who reciprocated with vigor.

    Jean looked on in utter shock. How many men has Misaki pulled here?! The way that tall, red haired man looked at her daughter was about as soft and loving as the way Luffy looked at her. Not to mention he looked at her with a longing that far surpassed the way Zoro looked in Misaki's direction. It was baffling. And for Luffy to be so nonchalant with one guy and so jealous with another really threw her for a loop. It was obvious these two were rivals in more than just romance.

    "Guys, can we be a little more civil?" Misaki said, her hands reaching toward the men.

    "What?! No way!!" The both said before sneering at each other.

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