Just Us

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   I nuzzled into Luffy's neck, as happy as could be. His hand started tracing up and down my arm lightly, then up and down my torso. I couldn't help but start kissing his neck, making him shift. I unhooked one of my arms from around his neck and cupped his cheek as I pulled away to look at him. Luffy blushed at me, unsure what to do. I leaned in, looking in his eyes as my lips got closer to his. I felt so warm. So warm and...

My eyes snapped open. I was back in the girl's room, under a nice, warm, fluffy blanket. I looked over at Nami, who was already awake.

   "You got cold." She said softly.

  "Damn it!" I said, jumping out of bed. "Is it already morning?

  "Nope." She said, twiddling her thumbs. I threw on my red jacket and grabbed a smaller blanket and made my way back outside.

"Luffy!" I yelled, making Luffy snap his head back over the figurehead.

  "M'! What are you doing up?" Luffy said, his brow furrowing.

  "What are you doing putting me back in my room?" I yelled. Luffy jumped down, putting his finger up to his lips to keep me quiet. That only made me more angry. I wanted to yell at him. I wanted to wake up next to him this morning, wrapped in his arms. "You don't get it!" I yelled.

   Luffy put his hand over my mouth. "Be quieter, M'!" He hissed, making me stop. "You were cold! I don't want you to be cold!"

   "Well I didn't want to sleep there." I said quieter, pulling his hand off of my face. Luffy took a step back and blushed, realizing what I was saying. I stamped my foot and shook my blanket at him. Luffy looked away.

  "It's almost morning already." He said quietly.

  "I... I just wanted to hang out with you." I said, looking down. "I'm sorry."

   Luffy grinned and shook his head. "I like hanging with you! Just don't be mad if I take you to bed cause you're cold!"

  "Damn... I'm not... annoying... am I?" I said, my bottom lip forming into a pout.

  Luffy stepped closer to me, his arms encasing themselves around me into a hug.

  "Never." He said. Then, he swooped me up in his arms and shot towards the Captain's Seat, making me laugh. "Am I?" He said jokingly.

  "I think we all know the answer to that." I giggled, poking him on the cheek.

  "But you like it." He teased.

  "I love it." I said, rolling my eyes at him. He chuckled and plopped down again, this time laying us back against a cushion he had pulled out for himself. "Don't put me down." I whined.

  "I won't." He said softly, giving me a gentle squeeze as I nestled back into him and sighed. I could feel his heart beating hard against me. He let go with one hand just to spread the blanket out over us.

  "This...." I said happily, trailing off before I even really began.

  "I... like this..." Luffy agreed, smiling.

  "Yeah..." I sighed. I knew he probably still did like this, but it was nice to hear it.

   The sun began to rise, and brilliant colors began painting the sky. I twisted around in his arms so I could watch.

  "It's so pretty." I breathed.

  "Yeah... pretty." Luffy said.

   I could tell his eyes were on me, making my heart do a little flip. I looked back at him and realized just how close my lips were to his, his breath brushing up against me as I looked into his eyes.


  Misaki's eyes flitted back and forth. For just a moment, they dropped down to his lips, making him gulp. His heart was pounding so hard, it made his head hurt from the pulsing in his temples. He didn't know how to handle all of this. He took a short breath in and then looked up at the sky, stretching his face away from her. She sighed and dropped her head back into his chest, making him breathe a sigh of relief. His heart rate slowed to a more manageable speed and he relaxed.

    There was no outside force making him want to kiss me. Just as I thought before, it seemed like our feelings may have just been a result of circumstance, rather than something that would happen no matter what. I didn't see it going any further than this. After all, it wasn't like I was going to go make him jealous just so that he would kiss me. That felt unfaithful to me, and I wanted to be faithful to him, whether he remembered me or not.

Regardless, I was unbelievably happy to cuddle him on the Captain's seat. To think he would do this, but still not hold my hand. It made me giggle, thinking about it.

   "What?" Luffy whispered.

   "Just thinking about stuff."

   "What stuff?" Luffy said, propping his head up with his hand. Ok, gotta think fast.

   "Just... I don't know. How this just feels..." I hesitated, not knowing how to put it.

   "It's just us." Luffy said, taking a deep breath and laying his head back down.

  "Yeah, just us." It was interesting, hearing that phrase from him. I wondered when it was that I first heard him use that phrase. It was a long time ago. Before he even said he loved me. I giggled. "It's that simple."

I could feel his hand twitch, but then he just sighed and started petting my head. It felt good, and made my eyelids feel heavy. I knew I should have stayed up, but the sound of his slow breathing and the soft petting on my head was lulling me to sleep. I wanted to keep talking, But I just couldn't hang on any longer.


Luffy kept petting her head, despite her snoring lightly against him. So much for hanging out with him. He snickered at the thought of how annoyed she would be when she woke up. But he would make sure she didn't miss breakfast. Misaki's hand clutched his chest. Despite having a glove on, her touch still made his skin tingle. Part of him really wanted to grab her hand. He nuzzled into her, the smell of strawberries wafting up into his nose. "Misaki." He hummed.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now