Holding Back

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     Luffy sat up. He yawned and looked around. He winced as a small twinge in his chest reminded him that he was alone in the Crow's Nest, yet again.

    He narrowed his eyes. There had been many times where Luffy found himself holding back. Training with Misaki. Picking on Momo — that little bro deserved it. But when it came to his feelings, he never held back.

    He knew what he wanted — and God, he wanted it — but how could he not hold back when she was doing it, herself? Luffy shook his head and patted his face.

   "Ohhhhh, kayyyyyy."


    "Time to get up, Runt. It's time for breakfast."

    I let my eyes open and took a sharp breath, realizing how close we were. "Um... Zoro." I muttered, making him roll his eye.

   "Don't even. You've been clinging to me all night. It's just a cuddle puddle, brat."

    "Yeah. Just a cuddle puddle."

    He leaned into me, his eyebrows furrowed. "Quit making me say cuddle puddle." He said, his voice low and annoyed. "Brat."

   His nose was close to mine, and he looked so serious and annoyed. So serious it was funny. I tried to hold back a laugh, looking away as I started wheezing. "PFFFFT SORRY!" I giggled.

   I looked back at Zoro, who had cracked a crooked grin at me. "Feels like an eternity since I've heard you laugh."

   "It has been an eternity." I giggled, snuggling into his chest as I giggled. "Thanks for that."

    Just then, a knock rang out on the door, quickly clicking open before either of us could move.

   "Hey — oh! Sorry to um... interrupt..."

   "Hey! Carrot! Why did I think you left?" Misaki said, sitting up.

    "Well I guess you've been a little distracted." Carrot said, averting her eyes. "I was gonna go home but I stuck around after um... everything."

   Zoro sat up on his elbows, making Carrot grit her teeth. Was this the reason?

   "When are we arriving at the island?"

   "Soon." She said shortly. "Do you mind if you give me and Misaki a minute?"

   The moment they started talking about the island, Carrot noticed how upset and nervous Misaki got. She sat straight up, and started rubbing her arm, looking down in the process. Zoro reached over and squeezed her arm, getting her attention. No words were said. A tilt of his head as she made eye contact. A nod from Misaki. That's all it took for them to communicate. Zoro cleared his throat and stood up. Carrot was a little relieved to see that he was fully clothed. Relieved, but still... suspicious.

    "So... Misaki."

    "Hm?" She hummed, looking up at Carrot.

    "Did our conversation mean nothing to utea?"

    "Wha— oh..." She said, looking down again.

     "Utea said utea loved him more than anything. Utea said utea would follow him to the end."


    "I gave utea time like everybody told me to, but..." she squeezed her eyes shut. "But this... this is unforgivable."

    "I know it is." She said softly, looking down.

    "Then why?!" Carrot whined, tears pricking at her eyes. "Don't utea know how much Luffy loves utea?!"

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now