Not a Second Thought

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    "Luffy get outa here." I said throwing a pillow at him. And picking up the soup to take a couple bites.

    "What! Why? I thought you'd want to!" Luffy whined.

   "Not when my mother is in the house!" I angry whispered. "Keep it down!"

   "Ohhh, yeah, guess that would be weird, huh?"

   "Yes it would." I said, downing another bite. I really wasn't hungry, but the more I ate, the better my stomach felt. "I'm gonna finish this and go take a shower first, then you."

   "But..." Luffy hesitated. He looked around and then cupped his hand and leaned in to whisper "What if your mom tries to talk to me again? She is making it really hard to keep secrets from her."

   I laughed at him. I remembered just a day ago, he was ready to chat it up with my mom. Now, he had started to realize why I said not to do that. "Just stay in my room, then. I'll be back."

  "Misakiiii!" Luffy whined. I grabbed some clothes and squeezed out of the door.

  "You'll be fine! Just ask her about herself or something if she goes to talk to you."

   And with that, I was out of the room and heading toward the shower.


   Luffy sat on the bed and tapped his foot. Why did he have to wait all by himself? He stood up and meandered around the room, peering at some pictures she had out on her shelves. There was one of her kicking a ball when she was younger, and a couple of her and some horses. Mostly though, it was just horses, along with a couple family photos.

    He remembered there were a bunch of pictures on the wall in the room he passed the night before — down stairs. As much as he wanted to go see it, he was worried he would run into Mama J again.

   He meandered around the room again, this time even picking up a book and flipping quickly through the pages. He sort of hoped there would be pictures. It's not that he didn't know how to read, he just never really felt like it. But he knew Misaki liked books. He was glad Robin was on the other side to help indulge that hobby. But when it came down to the here and now, he was bored. Really bored. There really wasn't a lot to look at in this room.

  He sat down on the bed again and hummed to himself for a minute — off-key of course. That's it. I'll risk it. He leapt off the bed and made his way down the stairs. He just wanted to do something. He stood and marveled at the wall of photos. There were so many. It was almost like a timeline of Misaki's life here with her family.

He smiled at a picture of her staring into space. It was exactly like Misaki would do now, except she was only a kid in this photo. Her hair was way longer and she was missing a couple teeth. She sat with her chin in her hand, a sly little grin on her face as if she were thinking of something sneaky. There was a spark in her eye that told him she was planning to say or do something stupid, like tell a bad joke that would make people groan.

He looked across to some more pictures. There was one of her sitting on an alligator. Now that was cool. There were plenty others with her and animals. Horses, deer, snakes, even birds like hawks. She must have worked with wildlife at some point. He remembered her talking about animals with an extra amount of fondness. He could really see it in these pictures, too.

He paused at a couple photos that were more recent of her. One of her wearing a flowy red dress. He had never really seen Misaki in that many dresses. Maybe a skirt here and there, but never a dress like that. He squinted at it, wondering what made her wear something so pretty like that.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now