Timing (part 2)

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Some time had passed and things had gotten a little weird. I felt like Luffy was avoiding me for the last couple days. I knew I yelled at him, but since our conversation after that, I thought he had moved on. But maybe I was mistaken and he was still pretty bothered by it.

Now, it seemed every time I entered a room with Luffy, he would find a way to slip out. I would think I was overreacting but I swore he even stopped stealing food off of my plate. And that right there was some hard evidence in my book.

We were planning to dock at another small island for some supplies again and I believed this would be a great time to find something to give to Luffy. It was time to seek out a truce with Zoro.

I found him snoring away in the crow's nest as usual. I tapped him with my foot. "Oi, get up. I need your help".

"What do you want?" He said, peeking before shutting his eye again.

"Luffy's been acting weird and avoiding me. I wanna get him something to try and break the ice. I need help!" I said urgently.

"Don't get your panties in a twist. You don't need to get him a present. Just ask him to go with you and he will. Then get him something he likes. Food works."

"You know for a fact that the first thing luffy usually does is run off when we land. What makes you think he will stay behind to hang with me?"

"He will. That's why."

I took a deep breath in. "Why won't you just come with me and help?"

"Cause I'm sleeping, that's why. Quit being a chicken-shit."

I puffed out my cheeks angrily. This is not what I wanted to do. I angrily skirted down the ladder, then strode down the stairs in a huff, only to slam right into Luffy. I staggered backward and felt a hand at the small of my back. I looked up and blushed.

"Oops. S-sorry..." I stammered. Luffy looked at me and then looked away quickly.

"It's ok. 'S my fault. I gotta-"

"- Hold on just one second!" I said, grasping Luffy's face between my hands. His cheeks smushed, making his lips pucker a little like a fish. "You've been acting like this for days. Are you still mad at me?"

"Wha? Nwoo! I'm nyat mahd ad yew!" I released his face.

"Then why? No... you know what?! Then come out to town with me!"  I declared.

"Awe, but I was gonna—"

"— nope! I don't care! You owe me for how you've been acting."

"I'm the Captain! I do what I want!"

"You don't want to hang out with me?"


Did she really just tell him he owed her? Righteous indignation built inside and just kind of burst out in that moment.

"I'm the captain! I do what I want!" He said, hands balled up in fists, ready for the verbal sparring match that would come next. But, much to his dismay, his words backfired as Misaki's shoulders slumped, her face falling.

"You don't want to hang out with me?" She whimpered, her bottom lip pooching out, despite her efforts to stop it. He had been avoiding her so much, maybe he was sending out the wrong message... She looked so dejected that it made Luffy's heart ache. What was he thinking?

"N-no! You got it all wrong! Of course I want to hang out with you!" This would make it a little hard to get her a present, but he definitely didn't want her to think he didn't want to hang out with her.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now