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      Luffy's face contorted. I looked down at him with fury in my eyes. Tears welled up in his eyes and suddenly, my fury wavered. What did I just do?

      We stayed there for a moment in pure silence. Luffy was on his knees, my scarf in one hand and my bracelet in the other, tears brimming in his eyes, threatening to fall. I swallowed, all my hostility draining as if the blood was draining from my face.

      "If that's what you really want..." Luffy forced out, breaking the silence. My lips parted. Say something. I took in a breath.

     "Luffy I —"


    "Shit" We both muttered. That came from up top. We both immediately started running for the deck.

They started running. Luffy carefully folded up the scarf in his hand as they ran, stopping for just a moment to set it and the bracelet down before continuing to run to the deck. Marines. This would be a piece of cake.

They were opening fire. Misaki grabbed her sword and deflected a bullet alongside Zoro. Franky was firing off some rounds and well, everybody was doing something. But luffy... well, Luffy was a little more listless than normal. Sure, he was bouncing back cannonballs and taking some people out, but his heart just wasn't in it. It wasn't like they even had to try that hard. Sure there were a lot of marines, but nobody really that notable. It's not like they were in any real danger.


This was so frustrating. I messed up. We would have been done with this fight in an instant if I hadn't hurt Luffy the way I did. Now he was barely even trying out there.

"Oi! Luffy! Get your shit together!" I yelled. He looked at me listlessly.

"Oh.... Yeah... I will." Luffy said weakly. You've got to be kidding me. I sliced another bullet in half. Damn, my reflexes have gotten fast. Thank you for the training, Zoro. Brook. I could tell they were proud as I held my own out there. But my small victories were sullied by the shell of a man fighting alongside us.

"Luffy, come on! Get your head in the game!" He looked at me as he used his gum gum pistol and then I realized. Someone had snatched his wrist, pulling him off the deck, and then let go, sending Luffy into the ocean. Fuck. People with devil fruit powers can't swim!

Without a second thought, I dove in after him. Shots continued to ring out until I hit the water. Everything was muffled as I continued to dive further down, forcing my eyes open. There. I frantically swam toward him, snatching him and pulling him back toward the top. I gasped for air as I breached the surface. The frigid water was making it harder to breathe than I thought it would. I looked up for a way to get back on the Sunny.

"Sorry M'." Luffy said groggily.

"Don't worry about it. We will figure this out." I panted. Damn, it's so hard to breathe.

Just then, the rope ladder was unfurled. Up at the top was Franky. Hell yes. I started pulling us up the ladder but Luffy was so damn heavy. I started wondering why I thought it would be smart to be the one to jump in after him. Cannonballs and bullets were still flying. I couldn't keep pulling him up. It actually was hurting to try. Carrying the deadweight was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

"Franky!....Pull... Us... UP!" I gasped. I can't freaking breathe. Franky started pulling us up and Jimbei and Usopp ran over to help. Jimbei took the chance to me for jumping in when he could have had an easier time. When we got to the top, I heaved Luffy onto the deck. I stood there for a second as Luffy pulled himself together. "You're a... pain..." I wheezed, bending over and placing my hands on my knees.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now