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Man, I'm getting really familiar with this room. I opened up my eyes, already knowing I was in the infirmary. My stomach hurt, and my head especially hurt too. Luffy leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, knowing I was awake.

"Did I win?" I chuckled, already knowing the answer.

"You got a couple good shots in." Luffy admitted.

"Mmm. I don't know if it was good enough."

"She certainly thought so."


Luffy stood up straight, puffing out his chest in an attempt to mimic Hancock. "Tell Misaki she has my respect." He said, throwing one hand on his hip and the other in the air as he dramatically waved and turned away. I giggled at his silliness and lifted my hand, squeezing the air. He smiled and relaxed as he sat down, placing his hand in mine.

"I'm sorry." I said, making him wince.

"You have ZERO reason to be sorry."

"I do have a reason. I was upset. I was mad. But even when I'm mad, I should stop and listen. I needed to trust you and listen to what you had to say, not storm off and throw a tantrum."

"I'm sorry, that's the Misaki way." He laughed. "You need space when you're upset, or else you flip out worse. I just feel bad Zoro was on the receiving end this time."

"Oh my God, ZORO!" I said, sitting up a little too quickly. I winced and grabbed at my stomach, noticing the bandages that Chopper probably put on me. "I have to apologize to him."

"Take it easy, Misaki. He knows you didn't mean it." Luffy said, squeezing my hand a little. "Well, some of it."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Well, apparently, you told him to butt out of our relationship. He took that to heart."

"Shit, poor Zoro." I muttered.

"I feel bad too." Luffy said, biting his lip. "Especially considering I wouldn't have even gotten up if it weren't for him."

"God, I'm so sorry." I said, letting go of him and throwing my hands over my face.

"Stop apologizing to me!" Luffy said, getting annoyed now. "I was too upset to move but not cause of you! It was because of... well... I was worried what happened would shatter our trust."

"What happened? Between you and Hancock? What did I see?" I was calm and collected. Being able to take out my anger on Hancock actually helped a lot. It made me let go of it.

Luffy chewed on the inside of his cheek and looked at the door. "She tried to kiss me. I told her you were my partner and she grabbed my face and tried to kiss me." He looked back at me. "But I turned my head and she missed my lips."

   I took a deep breath. "I believe you." Even if Hancock hadn't said anything, I would have believed him in an instant.

   "I shouldn't have even gotten a kiss on the cheek, Misaki. I should have seen that coming. I've got advanced observation haki for fuck's sake."

   "Well obviously you didn't get a vision, or else she wouldn't have even gotten a kiss on the cheek." I said plainly, looking away. It hurt to think about, but at least she didn't actually kiss him. "I trust you, Luffy. I trust that you didn't want that to happen."

   "Do you?" He asked, grabbing my face so that I had to look at him. "You mean it?!"

"I have no right to be jealous or mad, anyways."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now