Day 4: night

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    After a heartfelt confession to my mom, Luffy decided to startle her by stretching his arms around us and pulling us into a group hug. She was a lot more accepting of his powers than I thought she would be.

"Wow, so you really are made out of rubber, huh?" She said, grabbing his cheeks and stretching his face every which way.

"What is it with you guys?" He muttered as she continued to play with his stretchy skin.

"Mom! So not cool!" I said, laughing at the fact that I once did the same thing.

"Don't say that!" She jabbed before turning her attention back to stretching his face around. "It's super cool!"

"Do you mind?!" Luffy said, a little louder, making us laugh.

- -

We all had a family dinner, Mother, brother, father, niece and sister, where Luffy got a little too handsy with my food as well as my mom's. At least he didn't steal from the people he didn't know as well. My mom was about ready to put him over her knee though. That was some funny stuff right there. I couldn't help but laugh.

My brother and sister gave up on asking Luffy too many questions, though my brother did gesture to the scar under his eye with a curious raise of the eyebrow. I had made sure his other scar was covered up with a button up shirt.

After dinner, we all played boggle, much to my mom's dismay. She really wanted to play twister with Luffy. Bad idea, mom. Unless you want to explain it to the whole family. Though I couldn't help but I grin to myself at the possibility of Luffy stretching his arm or leg out to get a color. Imagining the look on everybody's face was enough for me.

I decided that my mom was the only person I would tell the insane story to. My mother agreed and told me she would cover for me. After all, it really was a crazy story. I really wasn't sure why my mom accepted it so well, but I knew the reception would not be the same for my other family members. Regardless, we were having fun stomping Luffy at boggle. He wore his frustration right on his sleeve, making us all laugh.

After the festivities, we waived goodbye and headed to the bedroom.

"I hate boggle." Luffy said, crossing his arms as he sat angrily on the bed. I laughed, grabbing his face to bring him into a kiss. I didn't feel like trying to make Luffy like or understand boggle. I felt elated, like a weight had been lifted off of me. All I wanted to do was revel in that.

His hands grasped my wrists as I kissed him, pressing just firm enough to feel my pulse against his fingers. When I pulled away, he broke into a smile.

"I guess it doesn't really matter." He said as he grabbed my hips, pulling me into his lap.

I wove my fingers through his hair and kissed him again, this time with a little more intent. He pulled my hips closer to him and I nibbled at his neck, making a soft moan escape his lips. I nibbled on his ear and ran my tongue back down to the sensitive spot on his neck, making him shiver.

   He, in turn, snatched my chin and turned my head so that he could nuzzle into my neck too.

"Mmm, I like that, Captain." I mumbled, making Luffy grasp me a little tighter before pulling away.

"You just like to start trouble." He muttered, looking at me. He unbuttoned my pants with ease and threw me onto my back, making me giggle. He pulled my pants off roughly as I yanked off my shirt, leaving me completely exposed. He pulled off his pants and ripped off his shirt before coming back up to kiss me. Much to his dismay, I pinned my knees together.

"Not without a condom now." I said, gesturing to the pile I had on the bedside table. Luffy moaned and tucked his head into my shoulder.

"Do I have to?" He said as he started to kiss my collarbone and caress me. I gulped. I wasn't really good at saying no to Luffy, but I really wanted to be careful. He kept running his hands along my torso and started caressing my breasts, making me moan. I really needed him to stop messing with my head.

"I would prefer it." I said. He huffed through his nose and grabbed a wrapper. Thank God.

"I hope you get over this soon" he muttered before crushing his lips back onto mine.

  He kissed down my neck and grasped at my knees, spreading them back open. He grazed my thighs with his teeth, making me jump.

  Luffy was good at a lot of things, but I always marveled at how good he was in bed. He just let his instincts guide him and man, were they on point. As he went down on me, my mind went completely blank. Nothing was important anymore. I was so enthralled with what he was doing to me, I wasn't really paying much attention to how loud I was being.

  "Shhhh." Luffy said, as a hand stretched up to cover my mouth. He continued his onslaught before I finally pulled him up to me.

    He grabbed me and rolled us over so that he was on his back and I was on top. I leaned down to kiss him before dropping myself onto him. He grabbed my hips and started making me move with him, occasionally bucking his hips up to go deeper inside of me.

   I grazed my teeth against his neck, making him groan as I continued to rock into him. He intertwined his fingers in my hair and pulled me in for a deep kiss, making my heart do flips. I moaned, ever so slightly as he worked his tongue against mine, exploring one another as our lips danced together. His chapped lips softened as he stole the chapstick from mine, and a moan escaped his lips as I grinded into him.

    His lips brushed against mine one more time before moving down to my bottom lip, sucking on it and biting on my tender skin. I gasped and pulled away gently before continued to kiss him. The build up was so slow and intense. I ran my hands up over his chiseled abs and to his chest, before finally cupping my hand over his mouth. He, in turn, reached up and lightly placed his fingers around my throat, pressing down just hard enough to feel my pulse as it quickened. I whined and rasped out some soft moans as we both were sent over the edge. He squeezed his hand a little harder over my throat, sending some wild sensations throughout my body. He used his other hand to pull me down harder onto him as he moaned under my hand. Fuck.

   When we were done, we collapsed next to each other, gasping for air. Luffy made a face as he discarded the condom.

  "Sorry." I panted.

  "Mmm" he hummed, reaching over and pulling me into his arms.

   "I love you, Captain." I murmured as I snuggled into his chest, making him chuckle.

   "I love you too."

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now