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A few more days had passed and not much had happened. Luffy continued with his normal high jinx and everybody seemed to fall back into line of the norm. I tried my best to do the same.

After having a mid-morning snack with Nami and Robin, curtesy of Sanji, I meandered my way over to Zoro, who was laying back, enjoying the sun. I sat next to him, peering at him curiously. I could see a smile creep up on his face as the wind blew his earrings around. He looked so content.

  "Why are you pretending to sleep? I can tell you know I'm here, dummy

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  "Why are you pretending to sleep? I can tell you know I'm here, dummy." I snickered.

  He grinned more, but chose to ignore me. I poked him gently, making him break out into a smile.

  "You're such a little twerp, you know that?" He muttered.

   "Miscreant." I retaliated.


   "Mosshead!" I said, a little louder.

   "Hey." He growled, his smile turning to a frown.

   "Whatcha' gonna do about it, Marimo?"

   He turned to look at me and placed his hand over my face, flicking his wrist so that I fell back away from him.

  "Go bother someone else." He said.

  "But I wanna bother you!" I chuckled, sitting back up. "That wasn't very nice, Mosshead."

  I could see a grin poking back up and smiled. I poked him again, making him chuckle.

  "Get out of here, you little imp! I'm trying to relax!"

  "But Zoroooo! I'm bored!"

  "Were you always this annoying?" He said, making me pout.

  "You love it. Don't even pretend you don't." I grabbed his arm and tugged it. "Come onnnn, talk to meeee."

  Zoro grunted and looked at me again, letting me hold his arm in my lap to get his attention. "Why don't you go find the Captain? I bet he would love to hang out with you."

  I pouted and looked away, still holding his arm. "Luffy's off galavanting with Usopp right now."

  "Ah." Zoro rolled his eye. "So I really am second choice, huh?" Ouch.

  "Oh, don't be like that, Zoro. You're basically my best friend." I could feel him flinch a little before he smiled at me.

   "I guess that is better than nothing." I slid my hand up his forearm and to his hand, giving it an apologetic squeeze. "I do really hope the Captain gets his memories back. For your sake."

  "You and me, both, Zoro." I muttered.

   Zoro lifted his arm, taking his hand away from mine, and brushed the hair out of my face.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now