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      As the sky began to light up with the morning sun, my face scrunched and I blinked myself awake. Luffy's breathing was even and slow, but I could tell he was already awake. I stretched.

     "Good! You're awake. You gotta see this, Misaki!" Luffy said, sitting up and pushing the blanket off of us. I sat up, rubbing my eyes before taking in the sight. Red, orange, yellow, pink, and purple. These were the colors that had been cast across the sky. I could feel my face light up. I couldn't believe how gorgeous this was. I glanced over at Luffy. He quickly averted his eyes and looked to the sky, making my stomach flutter at the thought that he was looking at me.

     "Wow, it sure is pretty!"

     "Yeah. Pretty." He said, cracking a smile.

      Luffy then reached over, enveloping me in a full body hug. I giggled as he pulled me into him, his chest pressing against my back. He nestled his head in the crook of my neck and took a deep breath in. Despite all the released tension that occurred last night, my heart was still beating wildly against my chest as we touched, trying desperately to escape. I knew we would get more comfortable as time went on, but I hoped this feeling would last forever. Somehow, I doubted it would ever truly fade. The connection between us was just too great.

     Luffy nuzzled my ear, giving me goosebumps. My fingers intertwined in his hair and I giggled as I instinctively moved away from the sensation, making him try even harder. I burst out laughing when he covered me with kisses all over.

    "Luffyyyy" I laughed.

    "Shut up and take it!" He joked, giving me a little squeeze. We both giggled at each other, soon settling back into one another.


    Luffy could see how this could be a distraction. As he sat there with Misaki in his arms, he could feel his heart pounding wildly against her back. His cheek rested against her head. The sweet smell of strawberries filling his nose from her shampoo.

     He wondered why his heart swelled when she leaned heavier into him. He had hoped that his reactions to her would settle once he kissed her, but he still felt like his chest was ripping itself apart. Everywhere their skin met tingled, and he was still all hot and nervous. At least now, he could be in the same vicinity as her without feeling like he was going to melt or explode.

     He never felt so conflicted, feeling both weak and powerful at the same time. Luffy felt he could take on the entire world, more than ever, yet here he was, weak at the knees, sitting here with Misaki. God she smells good. He never expected to like a girl like this. He has always been pretty nonchalant with women. He could acknowledge that he had been around some real knockouts. Even Robin and Nami he would admit were very attractive women. But this attraction to Misaki was totally different and something he just couldn't ignore. His body wouldn't let him.

     A word she mentioned kept ringing in his head. Connection. If there was no connection, then it didn't matter how good a kisser someone was — the kiss would be no good. Kissing Misaki was something he could only describe as eruptive and addictive. He thought back on how his lips tingled, and how his heart couldn't decide if it wanted to beat wildly or stop pumping completely. He remembered feeling like his skin was burning. He thought about when he got stiff and nervous and she leaned into him and breathed deep. How he couldn't get her close enough to him. He smiled to himself.

    Her hand came up and started tracing lines on his cheek. Luffy shut his eyes and reveled in the feeling as she softly caressed his cheek. He sighed deeply.

      He thought back to when she started kissing him on the neck, and they had that moment that got a little too hot. His hands twitched as he remembered the sensation of squeezing her hips and rocking them against himself. He hadn't really thought about what he was doing there, instead just following his instincts and doing what felt good in the moment. As misaki's hand moved to petting his hair, he thought about what it would have felt like if he had kept going. How sharp their breaths had gotten. He could feel himself getting hard as he thought about it, and shifted so that Misaki wouldn't notice. As much as he would have enjoyed himself if he had kept going, he had already gone farther than he had meant to that night.  

        Restraint wasn't really his thing. He typically just did whatever he wanted to do. But he really only intended on giving her a bracelet and kissing her to show her he cared. To show her she had a reason to stay. To show her that she didn't need to go kissing other people too. He never expected to go that far. To be honest, he wasn't really sure where to go from here. He figured he would just follow his whims and move forward.

      And with that, Luffy's stomach growled. Time for breakfast.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now