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    Luffy smiled to himself as he approached the docks. He looked up and froze, realizing he was about to bump into Misaki. He grinned at her as they both froze, reaching in his back pocket to stuff the little box further down.

   "Hey M'! I thought you'd be with the rest of the crew

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"Hey M'! I thought you'd be with the rest of the crew."

"Oh, um... no... I..." she shifted a little and looked away from him. "I broke off from them for a bit."

"Do you... I mean... do you wanna go back to the cave — just us?" He said, grinning as he rocked back on his heels. He shook the bags in his hand and chuckled. "I just have to put these away first."

"I uh.... No... I'd rather not." She said, rubbing her arm.

That's weird. Luffy tilted his head at her, wondering why she looked so down when, just an hour ago, she was so happy. "Are you sure? We won't get a chance to go back here for a while."

"I'm sure." She said quietly, looking at her feet. Luffy looked at her, letting his smile fall for a moment as he tried to figure her out.

He smiled again and stepped forward to hug her. She felt stiff, and reticent. It was as if she was being hugged by Kidd. It made a weird pit form in his stomach. He didn't know why she felt so far away all of a sudden.

"Luffy." She said, her voice wavering.

"Hang on." He said, swooping her up in his arms and spinning her around.

A startled sound left her throat as her hands clasped desperately around his neck. He spun harder, and she pressed her face into his neck before letting out a desperate whine, then a giggle, then a full blown laugh. There it is. He stopped spinning and stuttered around for a moment, trying not to fall over from the dizziness. She giggled again and sighed as he gained his composure and leapt up to the deck of the Sunny.

When he set her down, she clasped desperately onto his jacket and held her face in her other hand. Oh shit, she's still dizzy. Luffy held her a little more firmly and grinned happily as she leaned more into his arms. She took a deep breath and then took a step back. Her face was redder than usual. It made his heart leap.

    "Luffy, I —"

    "Hey there lovebirds! Misaki! Did you find me a good present or what?" Jean said, walking over to Luffy and Misaki.

    "Oh, uh... no... I'm sorry. Nothing looked good enough" Misaki said, looking a little nervous.

    "Really? I gotcha, M'!" Luffy said, fishing out a little tote bag and tossing it to Jean. "I thought you might like this!"

    Misaki watched curiously as her mother pulled out a light green scarf that nearly matched her eyes. It was small and made of silk, so it could be worn just as an accessory.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now