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"Are you ready to talk yet?"

"Shut up, Dick Chodely. You're screwing up my zen." I said, my eyes closed, the water still dropping on my forehead.

"You've got to be kidding me, you little wench!"

"The only joke here is your face." I said quietly.

"How the Hell are you holding it together?" He growled. "How the hell have you handled any of this?"

"Simple. Endure and survive. The methods of Fuck you and your mom."

"How could a girl with zero training from bumfuck nowhere handle these torture methods better than some of our seasoned officers?"

"Like I said. Endure. Survive. Zen."

"Your zen would have to be nothing short of heaven itself in order to endure this."

"Not heaven. Just home."

"Enough with these cryptic answers!"

    "Sorry if you can't understand." I said, silently wishing I was strong enough to just break these bands and save myself.

"Just tell me one thing. Why are you going to such lengths to protect this man?"

"Ha! You think I'm protecting him?! No sir, he can protect himself." I opened my eyes and looked at him. It felt like my head was getting split in two. "I'm protecting your stupid ass. I'm protecting this world from something we simply aren't equipped to handle. That is all you need to know here."

"You think you're so smart? If I'm not well equipped to handle it then how did some nobody survive there for so long?!"

"I wouldn't have. I was lucky and I still almost died." I said, a tear forming in the corner of my eye. My head hurts.

Chodely looked at me and grinned as the tear fell down my cheek. I couldn't keep hiding how much this hurt, but that didn't mean I was going to talk.

"If you tell me more about devil fruits, I'll turn it off." He said plainly. This bastard doesn't even care what I told him.

"Go to Hell." I said, closing my eyes. I felt another tear fall. Just endure it. Endure it. Luffy is going to find you.

"Keep up the defiance and I'm going to make it even worse for you." He muttered.

I scoffed at him. I could feel my body trying to tremble. Stop it, body! Don't you dare! I bit my lip. Hard.

"You really are gonna regret that." He said. I could hear metal clinking around but refused to look. I could feel something sharp pressing against my skin.

Luffy. Hurry.


"Misaki?" Luffy said to me. I tore my eyes away from the beautiful lights on display at the fountain and looked at him. I felt my head tilt and I parted my lips to answer him, but the look on his face took my breath away. His eyes were soft, and he was closer to my face than I expected, like he had been leaning closer the entire time I was watching the lights. My eyes flit between his, searching for whatever this meant. Then, his eyes got wider, and he straightened up. His whole body began to tremble and his mouth opened, releasing just a little ah sound before snapping shut again. The next thing I knew, he let go of my hand, excusing himself as he ran off.

    Looking back, I knew that he wanted to kiss me in that moment. But back then —


  "AGHHHH, FUCK WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I exclaimed as a searing pain split through my leg. I opened my eyes to see the detective spinning a blade into my leg.

    "Don't worry, I'll avoid any arteries. You won't die. I'm just clipping your wings is all."

     "FUCKING STOP IT!" I screamed, straining against the bands that bound me to the table. Between this and the water working to drill into my skull, I was in agony.

    "Then tell me how to get there!"

    "Never!" I choked out. He twisted the knife again, making me scream.

    "I'm not going to let you zone out anymore. You will break, soon enough. Or die. I don't even care at this point.

    "You'll care when he comes here and sees what you've done!" I growled. He twisted the knife again. "AGH FUCK! ENOUGH ALREADY!"

    "You really think that dumb loaf of meat will find us?! You don't get it! You will be stuck here until you talk, and by then, you will be asking for the sweet release of death."

    "Go to Hell. He'll find me." I sneered. "Give him two days tops, and he will be here!"

    "Tick tock, then, Misaki. It's already almost been two days." He said.

    I let my face fall to dismay. It's not how I actually felt though. Instead, I was trying to figure out exactly what day we were on. Was it day 9, 10, or 11? What day did he take me here? Did he include the transport in that time estimate? I needed Luffy to get here before day 12. I didn't want the bridge opening right here.

    "Awe, are you finally accepting reality?" He said. I smiled at him. The most sunshine, brilliant smile I could muster. "What's with the smile? Aren't you upset?"

   "Not at all!" I said, still smiling.

   "And why the Hell not? What is it about this situation that's making you smile?"

   "Because I have faith in my Captain."

    In that moment, alarms resounded throughout the building. My smile widened.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now