Just Like Normal

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      Everybody picked at their plates while they stared. Luffy ate ravenously as per usual, completely unaware of the curious looks he and I kept getting. I felt my cheeks flush a little but tried to act as if everything were normal. It was obvious that as the crew came back to the ship last night, everyone noticed us sleeping on the Sunny's figurehead.

       To be honest, I wasn't even sure if maybe someone walked in on us necking like two teenagers and just snuck past. But if anyone didn't notice last night, they certainly knew something was up this morning. After all, it wasn't everyday that luffy came bursting into the dining hall while holding my hand. Subtle, right?

     Luckily, he needed two hands to eat, and released me from my social torment for a while. Though it didn't stop everybody from staring. I sighed, wishing I could enjoy my food. Speaking of my food, where the Hell did it go?!

     "HAGH?! What the Hell, Luffy?!"

     "Hm?" He looked at me curiously, still chewing a mouthful of MY food. He swallowed, then smiled, patting me on the back. "Awe, come on, you all are letting all your food get cold! I was just helping" he said with a wink. That's when everybody looked down and yelled in shock. Luffy had eaten half of everybody's food. "Serves you guys right for gawking! Now eat." He retorted with a grin. Nami came over and conked him on the head, which he ignored and kept eating.


   After we all finished in the dining hall, we all went off into our prospective corners. I made my way to the aquarium, looking to avoid as many questions as possible. On my way, I felt a hand grab my shoulder. Zoro stood there, grinning at me with a crooked smile.

    "I heard you sealed the deal with the ole, Captain! Good for you!" He said. I averted my eyes. Not the person I expected to say anything. "Now maybe you and I can get back to normal, huh?" He muttered, his eye softening. I looked back at him, unsure how to react.

   "Back to where you and I banter, or have secret rendezvous? Cause I would much rather rag on you, ya shitty drunk."

   "Oh, I definitely mean ragging on each other, you scrawny little stray."

    "Sure thing, Mosshead"

    "That's what I'm talking about, butthead" he chuckled, softly punching me on the shoulder.

    I smiled, and gave him a hug. "Good to have you back, friend. So, we're good?"

   "We're good." Zoro patted me on the head.

     I turned back and continued my way to the aquarium. It was the new best place to go to get away from people. The only time anybody ever went in there was to look at a new fish they had caught. Well, that and Robin liked to read there. But she was up on the deck, so that meant I was free to have some peace.


    "Luffy, explain yourself, mister!" Usopp chided.

"What were you doing with Ms. Misaki-swan last night anyways?!" Sanji snapped.

    "Come on guys! Are you really that dense? You know what we were doing." Luffy retorted.

    "*GASP* Did you and Misaki really do THAT on the Sunny's figurehead?!" Franky bellowed.

   "Geez, all we did was kiss and go to sleep, guys. Why is it such a big deal?!"

    "Oh, you guys just kissed? Well I think that's SUPERRRRR!" Franky responded.

    "What the Hell did you think I meant?!?!" Luffy screamed in shock.

    "What are you doing going and kissing Misaki! Do you even think before you act?!" Chopper exclaimed.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now