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I trained with Jaggy again, this time making some major headway with my haki. It was getting harder to keep going though. I felt tremendously drained — far more than ever before. I knew I was pushing myself, but I was so close. Kid stopped and raised his eyebrows at me.

"Looks to me like you're running on empty." He said with a cocky grin.

"I can keep going." I said, making him bark out a crude laugh.

"You have determination, I'll give you that." He said rolling his eyes at me. "Though I wonder if your body is as tenacious as your words."

"The only way I'm going to keep developing this is if I push myself to the limit." I muttered.

"Why are you so keen to get stronger?" Kid said, sitting down next to me.

"Well I—." I blinked at him, realizing I was was almost eye level with him sitting down. Am I really that short? "I uh... I was too weak. I got swept away in the storm. It's just frustrating. I feel like I'm deadweight for my friends."

Jaggy laughed at me, making me crinkle my nose. "I was swept away too." He poked me on the forehead and I scowled at him. "You calling me deadweight? You think I'm weak?"

Well, you're not as strong as Luffy in my opinion, but you definitely aren't weak. "You can't help it though. You ate a devil fruit! You should be grateful you just survived."

"That was a bad storm for anybody." He said, picking at his ear and rolling his eyes at me. "I think you need to stop letting your insecurities run your life."

My jaw dropped. Literally dropped. How dare you! "You don't even know me!" I snapped. "You have no idea the burden I put on people. You have no idea how weak I am."

"Look! You may not be strong strong, but I'm sure you can fit right in somewhere if you find your niche."

"Where would I even begin with trying to find a niche?" I said, squatting down next to him in disdain.

"I dunno. Can you sing? I got an opening for a musician." He muttered.

"I am definitely no musician." I said, rolling my eyes. "Not looking to join your crew, no offense."

"None taken. I didn't need your wimpy little ass anyways." He teased, eliciting a back handed smack from me. I blinked at him, realizing who I just hit as he looked back at me. A long silence drew out between us before he laughed. "Next time, put a little more backbone into that smack."

"I guess that was a bit pitiful, huh?" I laughed, resting my hand back on my knee.  He bumped his arm into me, his face a little more serious.

"So what are you gonna do then?" He said, making me think.

"I think I'm gonna go back into the fog."

"Whaaat?" He said, a little taken aback. "Didn't you say to steer clear from that?

"Yeah, well... there are some things I think I'm ready to face." I said, standing up and patting the sand off of myself.

"You're making me curious, 'Saki." He said, leaning back to look at me.

"Saki?" I giggled, looking at him. I was so used to being called M', I almost didn't register that he had shortened my name.

"What the Hell goes on in there anyways?" He asked, ignoring my revelation.

"This is..." I looked up at the fog then let my eyes slide back to meet his. "A mirage island. It seems personalized to boot. It's quite an odd phenomenon." Though, come to think of it, a lot of islands had weird phenomena... does that mean they aren't phenomena, but just normal?

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now