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      He didn't mean for it to go as far as it had. Once again, he just planned to just kiss her. How did he end up with her almost completely exposed on the bed? He wanted to blame his instincts, but he was having way to much fun.

      Trying out the same method as before with no clothes was probably the best choice he had ever made. It felt amazing. Shivers kept being sent all the way up his spine. It was so good, in fact, that it had Misaki literally pleading with him to keep going. Fuck, that was awesome. To feel her wrap around him for the very first time and have her shuddering and grabbing all over him like that. It was like fireworks. Her hot breath hitting him as she pressed her forehead to his, trying desperately to get her composure? That sent him through the roof.

     Then Nami tried coming in and he just couldn't resist messing with her. He had complete control over her in that moment.

    But now, it was the end game. He didn't know how much longer he could hold out, so he flipped her onto her back and kept going. He didn't want to just be wild and rough. He wanted to keep building her up like he had been. Luffy kissed her as he went. From her stomach all the way up to her forehead. He tried a couple things, paying attention to what got her breath hitching, and stuck with that until she grabbed his arms.


      I grabbed his arms, digging my nails into his skin as my breathing got higher pitched. I felt his hand go over my mouth, stifling my moans as my body shuddered and shivered wildly. Pleasure ripped through my entire body as an orgasm stronger than anything I had ever felt hit me like a train. I wiggled underneath him, trying to escape the pressure so that the orgasm would subside, but he pinned me there and continued his onslaught. It took a while for me to settle, and as I quieted down, Luffy moved his hand so he could kiss me softly and then quickly pulled out. I threw my hand over his mouth as he wailed out, doing my best to keep him quiet as he came all over me..

"Woah. Just woah." Luffy breathed.

     "I can't... believe... you.... lasted.... that long" I panted as he collapsed next to me, drenched in sweat.

    "Yeah... me neither" he muttered. He quickly got up, grabbing a towel from under my bed and tossing it on me. "For the uh. Yeah." He said sheepishly. I muttered a thanks and quickly wiped myself clean, pulling off my skirt and the remainder of my torn panties in the process. Luffy had pulled his pants back on, grabbing me a tshirt from my dresser and tossing it my way. He then turned back to me and gasped.

     I had just popped my head through the tshirt and tilted my head at him, confused. He grinned at me and strode over, brushing the hair from my face before kissing me softly on the nose. I blushed, my heart doing flips in my chest. We literally just had sex and yet my heart was still doing somersaults over a little peck on the nose. Damn, I'm pitiful.

      I grabbed Luffy's shirt and pulled him into bed with me, making him laugh. He hugged me tight, nuzzling my cheek before sighing.

     "I'm hungry now." He pouted, rubbing his stomach.

     "I'm not surprised" I giggled, rolling my eyes at him.

     "I hope this was ok." He added, reaching over and squeezing my arm.

     "I was as bad as you." I lamented.

     "True." He said.

      We sat for a moment in silence, gathering up some energy after the workout we just had.

    "Hey, Misaki?" Luffy muttered. I turned toward him, looking questioningly at him. "I know it's a touchy subject... but do you still plan to go home? Or have you not made a decision yet?"

    I bit my lip. "I know I should make a decision, but I just can't bring myself to yet."

"Why not?"

"I have my reasons."

    "Why don't you just travel with us? At least until we finish exploring the Grand Line? Then you can make your decision."

    "It's not that simple, Luffy." I shook my head.

     "Why not? Don't you wanna see this through?"

   I wasn't sure exactly what he meant. Whether it was the Grand Line or whatever it was we were doing here.

   "Well, what if I only have one opportunity to go home? Can I really justify passing it up? Or what if I don't have a choice at all to begin with?"

     Luffy's brow furrowed. "What's that supposed to mean?

    "Well, it's not like I had a choice when I was brought here. It just sort of... happened. What if I want to stay and then just get ripped back out of this reality?"

    "That's easy. If you wanted to stay, I would find a way to come get you."

    "That may be easier said than done." I frowned. Luffy huffed in response. He looked at me, reaching up to brush the hair from my face.

     "Misaki. I know I said it once but I really want to know. Were you even happy there?"

     I pursed my lips. "That's a loaded question. I think... if I had made some changes, then it could have been better."

    "That didn't really answer my question."

     "Well too bad! That's my answer!" I exclaimed. Luffy's bottom lip pooched up, annoyed by my answer. I leaned over to him and nuzzled noses, planting a kiss on his lips. Luffy cracked a smile and pulled me into a hug.

     "I hope you decide to stay." Luffy muttered.

I frowned, not really knowing how to respond. Maybe he didn't even mean for me to hear that. I hoped I would be strong enough to make the right decision when the time came. I hoped I could make a decision. Maybe it would be easier to just let fate decide. For all I knew, after all, there could have been no way home. Whatever the answer was, I hoped I could be happy with it.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now