Gut Wrenching

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  "Luffy?" I said, a little dazed. "Did you just forget my name?"

   "Sorry, I know I call you M'... I promise I'll remember it if you tell me again." He said, scratching his head and laughing awkwardly as he sat up.

    I ripped my hand away as the most gut wrenching feeling ripped through me.

"Luffy! Tell me you remember me!" I said, clutching his chest and shaking him. "Tell me you remember!"

"Stop! You're being annoying!" Luffy said, making me pull away.

"Annoying?!" Luffy had never...

"What's wrong? You're shaking! Maybe Chopper should take a look at you?" Luffy said, furrowing his brow.

"Chopper!!!!" I yelled, looking around wildly at the crew. Chopper ran over to Luffy and shined a light in his eyes, checking for dilation.

"Can you tell me your name?" Chopper said desperately.

"Monkey D. Luffy. I don't know why you're checking me and not M'."

"Just answer the questions, Luffy." I said firmly, refusing to look at him. My eyes were wider than they had ever been before as I looked at my lap, my heart pounding in my chest. No way. This can't be happening.

"Can you tell me where you are?"

"The Sunny, of course!"

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"That's easy!" Luffy said, smiling. "M' here just appeared all of a sudden... and we ate dinner... and... ummm... why is everybody looking at me like that?" Luffy said, his eyebrows pulling down into a frown. Chopper looked at everyone, then back to Luffy.

"Why don't we go into the infirmary, Luffy? I still have to ask you some questions and run some tests."

Then, they were gone. It was just me and the rest of the crew, staring at my back as I sat on the deck of the Sunny. My hands clenched into fists against my thighs.

"Misaki —." Nami began, making me put my hand up to stop her. I just wanted to sit and wait.

   Zoro sat down next to me, huffing as he settled down. I continued to stare at the ground. I was still shaking, hoping I was just having another kind of nightmare. I clasped my hands together and prayed that I might be right. It's just a dream. It has to be a dream. Please let it be a —

   "Ow! What the Hell, Zoro?!" I said, smacking away his hand for pinching my arm.

   "You aren't dreaming, Misaki." Zoro said, locking his gaze with mine. I swallowed.

   "I wish I was." I said weakly.

   "I know." He answered.

   "I really wish I was."

   "But you're not."

   I sighed. Looking away from him again. I thought back to what the man had said to me. Without you... My goal was to get rid of his ground..

   "I grounded him."


  "I grounded him."

   "I need more, Misaki."

    Just then, Chopper walked out. He looked behind him to make sure Luffy hadn't followed.

   "That guy. He wanted to get rid of what grounded Luffy. So he could control him." I said, staring at Chopper. Chopper sighed, making my gut wrench again.

   "It shouldn't be permanent. Because he does remember he called you M'... but you're right. It's almost like his memories of you were erased. Hypnosis triggered amnesia."

   "Well we gotta just tell him everything then!" I said, looking away.

   "Misaki, you can't do that!" Chopper said.

   "Why the Hell not?!"

   "You can't replace his memories with explanations! He has to remember on his own!"

   "And what if he doesn't?!" I said, standing up and towering over Chopper, who gulped.

   "I think he will!" He said, making me cross my arms and scoff. "And when he does, you can clarify a memory or explain it if he gets one, but you can't give him his memories back. He has to remember them on his own!"

"But what if he doesn't?!" I said desperately. Chopper looked away.

"Then we will just have to move forward."

My eyes widened even more, brimming with tears as I wavered. Next thing I knew, Nami was dragging me into the aquarium and pulling me into her arms.


"Misaki, it'll be ok!"

"No it won't." I muttered, tears spilling over.

"Yes it will! He will remember! He has to!"

"He forgot me." I murmured, my breath hitching.

"He will remember!"

"He forgot me." I said a little louder.

"He loves you!"

"HE FORGOT ME!" I wailed, making her tighten her grip on me.

"He loves you, Misaki."

"He doesn't remember that he loves me!!!" I sobbed. I started wailing, my knees buckling as she held me up. Tears were streaming endlessly down my face as I hiccuped and sobbed.

A hand rested on Nami's shoulder, and grabbed me in her stead. It was Zoro. I buried my face into his chest and wailed, trying to muffle myself. I let my knees buckle completely, knowing he would hold me up.

"Zo—r—rooo" I sobbed. I looked up at him, but all I saw were tears. "He f-for-g-g-ot a-bo-out meeee"

"He will remember." Zoro said softly.

"Wh-at if he-e doesn't?!" I wailed. My heart hurt so bad. It felt like my chest was caving in, and my gut was getting torn out. He grabbed my face, running his hands endlessly through my hair and trying to wipe the tears away.

"Then he will fall in love with you all over again." He said firmly, pulling me back into his chest.

I wanted to believe him. But, for all I knew, Luffy falling in love with me was a fluke — a culmination of events that pushed him to that conclusion. I couldn't repeat history, and there was no telling if he would remember it. I couldn't handle it. I just couldn't handle the thought that Luffy forgot everything we had been through.

"How can I just pretend?!" I blubbered, still frantic, sobbing and shaking wildly.

"Just be you. Don't worry about the past. Just be you. Memories or not, he loves you."

I cried, unable to speak anymore. I couldn't handle the thoughts creeping into my head. I was so overwhelmed and all I wanted to do was cry. I sobbed and wailed for what seemed like an eternity, until I finally collapsed from exhaustion. Zoro fell to his knees as he held me, just as mentally drained as I was. Nami kneeled by us, cupping a hand over my cheek as I cried more quietly. I looked weakly at her, letting it sink in.

This was real. And now, for sure...
I had zero expectations.

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