Skip - A Small Gesture

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It had been a couple weeks since I started journeying with the straw hats. We stopped at an island and I was able to pick up some clothes that were a little more my style (no offense to Nami). Both for the warm and the cold. I tended to run cold at the end of the day so it was definitely good to make that stop. And thank goodness Nami didn't hit me with any excessive lender fees. I would have just gone without if that had been the case.

  I had become pretty good friends with everyone. Jolly ole Jimbei the fishman was a riot. And Nami and Robin and I were especially close. I loved talking with Robin about books and really just liked being on Nami's good side. But my actual best friend on the ship was, of all people, Zoro. I often hung out with him in the lookout tower. That is, when I wasn't pal-ing around with Luffy and Usopp. I really mostly hung out with Usopp so I could hang out with Luffy to be honest. But it was definitely a fun time with all of them. Luffy and I took to talking during his night-watch shifts. I also needed quite a bit of protection if there were any enemies attacking the ship. I mostly just ignored Sanji — other than him shamelessly flirting with me and the other girls. Though, it was nice when I got extra special dishes. And Brook, well, he had been teaching me quite a few songs to sing along side him. Oh yeah and chopper the ship doctor (and reindeer) was just a straight up precious bean to cherish always.

   Throughout my time here, I had a couple interesting run ins with Luffy that got me thinking. Aside from our normally playful interactions, we would occasionally find ourselves maybe a little too close, blushing and looking away from each other. Or at least, I was blushing. Maybe I just made up that Luffy was blushing and I was just seeing things. Regardless, I needed to know.

I was hanging out with Zoro when the question kind of snuck up on me.

"Hey Zoro?" I said, lazily.

"Hm?" He grunted out.

"Has there ever been romance on this ship?"

"W-what?" Zoro breathed. Suddenly blushing. "Why would you ask me that?"

"Well, I was just wondering. I mean Sanji doesn't count because he simps over every girl but what about the rest of the crew?" I was really just wondering if what Oda claimed was true or if he modified any of the story to avoid romance.

"W-well, no. No romance amongst the crew."

"Really? I would think at least one of you guys would hit it off a little stronger than friends"

"Well, not on the ship at least."

"OH?? Do tell, Zoro"

"You know what? No. You are a little too eager for me to tell you anything."


"No" he said gruffly. A little twinge of something struck in my stomach.

"At least tell me if Luffy has ever shown interest in a girl..." I said quietly. Maybe that was too obvious, but it was Zoro. It's not like he cared enough to give me shit. An eyebrow twitched. Ok maybe he cared a LITTLE.

"No. I've never seen him interested in a girl. Just food and exploring and challenges. Oh yeah, and beetles. The guy loves collecting bugs."

"Oh... ok..." He told me everything I already knew. I took a sip of my drink.

"What? I thought you'd be happy about that. Aren't you into him or somethin?" He exclaimed. I coughed, choking a little on my drink and threw a pillow at him, which he easily caught. His eye bore into me.

"It sounds to me like there is no romance on the crew anyways. Not to mention I'm dealing with the densest guy known to mankind. Hearing that he has never had an interest in anybody is actually a little disheartening."

"One, you are a passenger, not a crew mate, no offense and two, at least he isn't a simp like fancy brows."

        "No need to pick on Sanji, dude!"

        "Three, there is always a need to pick on that curly browed cook."

"Hahaha, all good points, Zoro".

"You still don't have a chance in Hell." I threw another pillow at him and he laughed.

Later that night, I was having another late night hang sesh with Luffy — and it was a chilly one at that. Luffy couldn't help but joke around and make me laugh.

     "M'! Check this out!" 

    He stretched his face and stuck his tongue out at me, making me laugh

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He stretched his face and stuck his tongue out at me, making me laugh. I waved a hand at him and impersonated Nami, making him below out a big laugh. He stretched out his nose, claiming he was Usopp and told a tall tale about a giant sea beast that got sillier as it went.

      After our laughing spree was over, silence washed over the both of us. I appreciated that I could have silence between us and still feel comfortable. The only other one I felt that comfortable with was Zoro. But something about this silence in particular actually seemed a little awkward. Nervous energy filled the air where it was usually calm.

"Hey, Misaki?" Your breath caught for a second. I don't think he has ever called me that "I um.... I got you something." Luffy said sheepishly. He handed me a box, no bigger than a small shoebox. I lifted the edge to peer inside.

"Oh, Luffy." I murmured. In it was a red felt scarf. Something fluttered in my chest.

"I got it because you always get chilly at night. And see? I made sure I got your favorite color too!" He said grinning ear to ear.

"I don't know what to say" I said while wrapping the scarf around my neck.

"Well... do you like it at least?" He said, nervously scratching his cheek and looking away.

"I LOVE IT" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around his neck, knocking his hat off his head and almost throwing him to the ground.

       "Heehee - Good!" He blushed as I rubbed my cheek on his.

       "No, really Luffy, thank you." I said.

       "Don't mention it" he said with a grin.

      As I pulled away from him, I suddenly felt hot. Heat pricked at my cheeks and at the tips of my ears. My whole body felt flushed and the next thing I knew, I was coughing. A lot. Luffy's smile fell. Something was wrong.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now