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"These roads make it really hard to figure out where to go!" Luffy exclaimed. "The direction keeps changing."

"We've been over this, Luffy. The cover card was dragging East. So I just have to get on the eastbound highway. Ok?"

"But what if we've gone too far by then?!"

"I doubt they kept her nearby, Lu."

Luffy groaned. He started tapping his foot, unable to contain himself. He was done playing it safe. They took the wrong person, and he wasn't going to stop at anything to get her back. They'll wished they never messed with her.

    "Be patient Luffy! You're starting to irritate me."  She said, smacking his leg to try and get him to stop jittering.

    "I irritate everybody. What else is new?" He said, his head in his hand.

    "I don't know exactly how long this drive is going to be, but we've only just started, so I suggest you stop pissing me off!"

    Luffy looked at her and sighed. "Sorry Mama J. I'm just really worried."

   "Me too, Lu."


  Time meant nothing anymore. I had no idea how much time had passed. The room I was in didn't share a wall to the outside world. No windows to see the sunlight. I was in an interrogation room, after all. They had to control every aspect of it.

    I couldn't keep track of how many times I had been waterboarded. All I knew was that my lungs and throat hurt like a bitch, and Sir Dick Chodely over there was only getting more frustrated by the second. I guess he figured I would start talking by now, but I was as tight lipped as they got.

    "We're gonna have to switch it up." He muttered.

   "What? Afraid you'll give me brain damage and then I won't be able to tell you anything?" I sneered. God, I hate this guy. He chuckled and placed me down horizontally. No angles this time.

"I'm sure you haven't heard of Chinese water torture."

"Ohhhh, water again. So original." I teased, rolling my eyes.

"Well, you see, there could be many different ways of torture. This one doesn't harm you physically. It won't leave a single scar on your body. Mentally, however."

"Can't you tell by now that I can take the mental shit? Come on, dude."

"Oh but this. This just might get you singing like a canary." He said, pulling out just a simple tap like contraption. "You see, it will bring out your innermost anxieties. In order for it to fully drive you mad, it would take two whole months." He added straps to my table, completely immobilizing me. "But, you will see in just twenty minutes why it won't take that long to crack under the pressure."

"I won't make it that long because Luffy will be here to get me long before that!" I growled, straining against the restraints. I really couldn't move. Not even my head, which he also strapped down.

He didn't respond to me, merely turning the switch to the contraption. A bitter cold drop of water fell on my forehead, sending a mind numbing chill throughout my body. The droplets were irregular. I couldn't seem to find the rhythm in which they would fall. Anxiety started to creep up my neck between each droplet. I kept my mouth shut. I didn't know what I might say if I didn't. After a while, my head started to hurt and I felt like I might puke. I pinched my eyes shut, hoping to stop my mind from trying to anticipate the next droplet. Luffy.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now