Drunk again

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    We all stumbled back to the Sunny, a little too giggly and a little too drunk. Or at least Luffy and I were giggly. I wouldn't say that Zoro ever giggles. Chuckles maybe. When we got to the ship, I sort of stood there for a second, realizing just how high up the Sunny was. I jumped from there? Jeez. How am I supposed to get back up?

   I suddenly felt hands grasp around my waist as Luffy hoisted me and leapt onto the Sunny. I laughed as he set me down and I stumbled backward into Zoro, who quickly placed his large hands on my hips to stop me from falling over. His hands lingered for a moment before he let go, still hovering his hands over me protectively. They were so hot, I could feel the heat radiating off of them.

   I stood there and swayed for a second, making Luffy laugh as I stumbled back again. Zoro grunted as his hands made their way back to my hips to stabilize me. Luffy stepped forward and brushed the hair out of my eyes, giggling as he leaned down to give me a slightly sloppy kiss on the lips. I could feel Zoro's fingers twitch against my hips as he watched Luffy kiss me.

   "Damn, Capt'n. You try'in t' make me jealous?" Zoro grumbled.

    Luffy chuckled and wrapped his arms around my neck, pushing me closer to Zoro. Luffy tilted his head and started kissing my neck. I was pressed between the two men now as Luffy kissed me, working his way down my neck. Zoro hummed to himself and started gently pressing his fingers a little tighter against my hips, squeezing me gently. Butterflies rose up from everywhere. Wait a second, what's going on here?

   Luffy continued to kiss down my neck and stopped to graze at my collarbone. Meanwhile. Zoro was running one of his hands up my torso, giving me goosebumps. He let his hand wind around the nape of my neck. I looked up at him as Luffy pulled my shirt down more and more, stretching the fabric. Zoro's lips lingered just a little too close to mine. My breathing started hitching as Luffy slipped his hands under my shirt, squeezing my waist. Zoro's thumb rubbed up my jaw, making me shudder. Luffy worked his way back up, stopping to chuckle at us before kissing me on the cheek and nibbling my ear. Zoro's lips got closer, just barely brushing against my lips when suddenly, the aquarium door swung open, making our drunken threesome fall clumsily to the ground.

    Robin blinked at us as I felt my face getting red. I glanced over to see the same dumbfounded expression on their faces that was on mine.

   "Was I interrupting something?" Robin asked, making us all throw our hands up.

  "N-No!" We choked out.

   Holy shit holy shit holy shit. We are all way too drunk. Thank you, Robin!

   Robin raised her eyebrows, unsure how much she actually wanted to know.

   "W-we erm. We're jus' drunk." I said, hoping that would be enough of a reason for her not to pry any further.

   "Oh....Kay.... So I'm gonna go to town now. It's the middle of the day, guys. Just saying."

   And with that, she made her way off the Sunny. We all looked at each other and laughed.

   "Whoops." Luffy chuckled. "We're way too drunk."

   "Prolly shoulda checked around first." Zoro laughed.

   "It's not like we planned that!" I said, smacking them both. They both laughed.

   "Definitely not a plan. Sorry Misaki!" Luffy said. "Normally I won't even kiss you when you're drunk, I'm sorry."

   "None of us were thinkin'." I breathed.

   "Or are sober." Zoro added.

    "Does that give us all a pass?" Luffy asked, making us laugh.

   "I'd say so." I hummed.

    Luffy was laid across the both of us, chuckling as he thought about it. "I'm sorry. I think I started that."

   "I mean, it seemed pretty mutual." I hummed.

   "Wanna do it again?" Luffy and Zoro asked at the same time, making us all laugh.

   "We are way too drunk." I giggled.

    "You're right." They both chimed in unison.

   I stretched, being sure to touch both men, making them both snap their heads over to look at me. Luffy rolled over, sandwiching me between him and Zoro again. I stretched and wiggled between them, letting a whine escape my lips.

   "You're so mean, Misaki." Zoro breathed.

    "So mean." Luffy echoed.

    I couldn't help but chuckle at them. They were both battling the urge now, slightly more aware than before. I rolled my eyes, at them, knowing that they sobered up just enough to not lay a hand on me now. At least not like that. Damn chivalry.

   "I guess we could just stay here." I mulled.

    "Hmmm" They both hummed.

   "Platonic cuddle puddle?" I joked. I didn't get a response and sat up on my elbows to look at them both. Aaaaand they're fast asleep. I looked up at the sky and took note of the clouds. So long as the sun didn't come out, we wouldn't have to worry about getting sunburned. Good thing too, cause I can't get up.

   I settled back down between them, and Luffy rolled closer to me, grabbing me into his arms. Zoro snored as he placed a hand on my hip, making me blush at the both of them. I hope nobody sees this.

   "Guys." I muttered, being answered only by snores. I could feel my eyelids getting massively heavy. I fought it. But despite fighting it, I eventually succumbed to the drunken exhaustion.

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