Day 8

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   Luffy's nose crinkled as his eyes blinked open. The morning sun shown in tiny rays of light peering through the closed curtains. He was sprawled out across the floor. Momma J was nearby, snoring away softly, kind of like Misaki. Wait a minute. He listened a little harder for the absent little snore before sitting up to look for her. Misaki was nowhere to be seen. He stood up and meandered around, peering in every room before walking out onto the back balcony.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her sitting with her horse. Appa was standing with his head nearly in her lap, almost like he knew this would be the last time they ever saw each other. He could feel a little twinge in his heart for Appa. That horse loved Misaki so much. It sucked that they couldn't have more time to say goodbye. Stupid government should let people do what they want.

Luffy opted to go down the stairs, knowing that someone could be watching. Normally, he would do whatever he felt like, consequences be damned. But Luffy realized now that even though he thought he was being careful, it wasn't nearly careful enough. Jumping off the balcony with that Max guy, stuffing his face half-hazard-ly in front of people, picking up that ball of hay. Just a few things that he definitely could have been more careful about.

He didn't care what Misaki said. He blamed himself for having to leave like this. He wished he could stay and fight. But Misaki said that would make things way worse. He wished he could have been more careful. If he had been, maybe they could have slipped in and out of town, unnoticed.

   He stopped a couple feet away from Misaki. She was just softly petting Appa on the head. It looked like she had pulled a chair out from somewhere just so she could sit with him. He could feel the sadness emanating from her, and it made his heart hurt.

    Misaki sighed and stood up, hugging appa gently on the head. He leaned into her chest like he knew it was the last time he would ever get a hug from his girl. When she pulled away, appa nudged her and stepped forward to place his forehead against her again. She hugged him a little tighter this time.

   "Good boy Appa. You take care of Momma and the others, ok?" She said, petting him gently on the cheek. He then made a sound and walked away to go eat some grass. Misaki looked at him and started walking slowly to the cars. "You ready?" She said.


    "We'll go to the bank and then come back here for our bags. Then we go."


The drive to the bank was quiet. Luffy didn't even try talking to me. He looked out of the window, watching everything pass by like he was in a daydream. We didn't bother turning the radio on. It just didn't feel right. I sighed as we arrived.

"I just want you to stay in the car if that's ok."

Luffy grunted in response. I was mostly worried that someone would mess with it or something. I've never felt more paranoid in my life than this very moment.

I walked into the bank and made a B-line for the teller. I needed to make this quick.

"I'm looking to close out my account. I'll take all the money in cash today."


Luffy waited like he was supposed to, which was a very rare and slightly difficult task for him. It was taking her a little longer than he expected. He peered at the bank just at the same moment that a few men were going in. Something was off about them. All three of them were wearing black hats that were too big on top of their heads. Luffy's instincts were screaming at him to get out of the car. But Misaki told him to stay...

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now